
A more significant reason for your hair loss may become apparent when you start to notice your scalp or bald spots, even though typically losing hair doesn’t have much of an impact on your appearance or warmth because your head has plenty more hair to make up for the daily loss.

Hormones, thyroid issues, infections, dandruff, medications, and other illnesses can also cause hair loss. When you think of hair loss, you might think of the genetic factors, like male pattern baldness.


Some of the very potent medications for this condition are listed below. Homoeopathic medicines have been found to be very effective at controlling hair loss.

ACIDUM PHOSPHORICUM 30– Hair loss following exhausting illnesses. Hair loss includes eyelashes, eyebrows, and head hair.

PSORINUM 200Psorinum is extremely effective in treating hair loss brought on by eczematous skin lesions on the scalp that secrete sticky, foul-smelling fluid, which causes the hair to stick together and eventually become destroyed.

MEZEREUM 30Mezereum is equally effective at treating hair loss in cases where the hair is destroyed due to eczematous skin lesions of the scalp. Patients in need of Mezereum will typically complain of thick, crusty eruptions on their scalps, along with a discharge of thick, foul-smelling pus that causes matting of their hair, the breeding of vermin, and eventually the eating away of their hair by discharges, which results in hair loss.

MERCURIOUS SOL 30This medication can be used in patients who exhibit profuse sweating, excessive mouth salivation, and an increased thirst for water. -Mercurius Solubilis is yet another homeopathic medicine that works wonders in treating hair loss caused by eruptions on the scalp where the discharge from eruptions is fetid and accompanied by burning type of pains in the scalp.

NITIC ACID 30– Hair loss on the pubis caused by gonorrhea or syphilis

SELENIUM MET 30– Falling of pubic hair

THUJA OCCI 200-dandruff-related hair loss, in this case with white dandruff.

KALI SULPHURICUM 30In this case, the dandruff is yellow rather than white, and it is also used for hair loss caused by dandruff.

KALI CARB 30– Hair loss resulting from dandruff and a dry scalp

NATRUM MURIATICUM 200-Hair loss after childbirth: Women who need this medication report that their headaches are worse in the heat of the sun and may exhibit an excessive craving for salty foods. Natrum muriaticum can be given to these women if they experience severe headaches after childbirth, anemia, and hair loss that occurs on even the slightest touch of the hair.

PULSATILLA NIG. 30-The mental symptoms that are to be taken into consideration for its use are weeping tendencies on the slightest cause, and relief when someone gives consolation. Another notable symptom that guides its use in women suffering from hair loss is that such women cannot digest fattiness. The guiding factor for recommending this medicine is a complete absence of thirst for water and desire for fresh open air.

LYCOPODIUM 200-mother who is nursing experiencing hair loss.

SEPIA 200Hair loss during the menopausal period. Women who need this medication for hair fall typically have a history of chronic headaches.

BORAX 30-A common complaint in such cases is that the hair is very thin and gets stuck together and forms bunches, making it difficult for them to be untangled and combed smooth and they are to be cut off, but as soon as these bunches are cut another group of bunches form. Borax can be given to those patients who complain of hair loss and are anemic.

CINCHONA OFF.People who experience hair loss due to Loss of blood in any form, such as bleeding from the nose or excessive menstrual bleeding, or who experience hair loss due to Loss of blood after an injury due to an accident can be given this medicine. Patients who require this medicine typically complain of a weak digestion along with excessive flatulence. Cinchona officinalis can be given to those patients in whom hair loss is accompanied by anemia.

Lacarea phosphorica is an effective medication that can be used to treat hair loss in anemic patients, typically anemic girls who grow too quickly during puberty and experience hair loss, severe headaches, and stomach acidity.

FERRUM PHOS 30-Anemia causes hair loss.

FLUORICUM ACIDUM 30-Fluoricum acidum can treat hair loss in bunches that occurs during typhoid fever, but it is primarily used for hair loss in spots in people with hot temperaments who are worse in any warm environment and constantly crave cold environments.

PHOSPHORUS 30-Hair loss associated with typhoid fever; the patients who need phosphorus are tall, thin, and slender in appearance; the symptoms that point to its use are patches of hair loss on the scalp along with an unusual craving for salty foods, chicken, cold drinks, and ice creams.

CALCAREA CARBONICA 30-The other symptoms that stand out dominant to use this medicine are excessive chilliness with intolerance to slight draft of air, excessive perspiration on the scalp, and unusual craving for boiled eggs. Calcrea carbonica is an excellent homeopathic remedy for hair loss. It can be prescribed to patients whose hair is lost in well-defined patches, and constitutionally who are fair, fat, and flabby in built.

VINCA MINOR 30-Vinca minor is an herb that can be used to treat areas of hair loss so that white hair regrows in those areas.

THALLIUM 30– Losing hair as a result of an atom bomb explosion, followed by an acute exhausting disease and profuse head sweating

WEISBADEN 200-The hair grows faster and darker when this remedy is used, and new hair quickly replaces any that fall out.

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