Although there is no known cause for pityriasis alba, which primarily affects children and young adults, it is thought that eczema, a common skin condition that results in scaly, itchy rashes, may be connected to the condition.

Pityriasis alba is characterized by the development of round or oval red or pink patches on the skin, which are frequently followed by pale marks.

CausesPityriasis alba is a type of eczema that has an unknown exact cause but is typically thought to be a mild case of atopic dermatitis.

Normally, the immune system ignores normal proteins and only attacks the proteins of harmful substances, such as bacteria and viruses; however, if you have eczema, your immune system may not always distinguish between the two, and instead attack healthy substances in your body. This causes inflammation. Eczema may be caused by an overactive immune system that responds to irritants aggressively. The skin’s ability to act as a barrier is reduced in people with eczema.

Early adulthood marks the typical outgrowth of pityriasis alba and eczema.

SymptomsThe most common location for these patches to appear is on the face, but they can also show up on the upper arms, neck, chest, and back in people with pityriasis alba.

Since the pityriasis patches don’t tan, they are more noticeable in the summer months when the surrounding skin becomes tanned. Wearing sunscreen may make the patches less noticeable in the summer months. The light patches are also more noticeable in people with darker skin. The spots may start out as pale pink or red spots that may fade into light-colored patches after a few weeks. These spots usually go away within a few months, but they can last for several years in some cases.

Pityriasis alba, which affects 2 to 5 percent of children and is most frequently observed in children between the ages of 6 and 12, is most prevalent in children and adolescents. It is also very common in children with atopic dermatitis, an itchy skin inflammation.

Heat–It is unknown if frequent hot bathing or sun exposure without sunscreen cause pityriasis alba in children, but it frequently affects these children.

Humid climate– causes skin to become more parched

Skin soaps– Children and young adults who don’t typically use skin soaps may experience severe reactions without being aware of it.

Asthma– Skin asthma exhibits symptoms resembling those of pityriasis alba

Clothing detergents– Some products may cause skin rashes and other skin disorders because they are not hypoallergenic.


Pityriasis alba can be effectively treated with homoeopathic medicines, some of which are listed below.

BACILLINUM 200One of the best treatments for Pityriasis alba, a condition characterized by dry, rough, sensitive skin, intense itching that is worse at night and in cool air, and scales resembling those of a bran, is bacillinum.

ARSENICUM ALBUM 6When there is intense anxiety and restlessness, itching, burning, and swelling that is made worse by scratching, as well as a desire for small amounts of water frequently, doctors will often prescribe arsenic alb.

NATRUM MURIATICUM 30Natrum muriaticum has the ability to treat Pityriasis alaba, a skin condition that is characterized by dry, cracked skin and an increased craving for salt.

SULPHUR 200—Sulphur is prescribed for Pityriasis alba patients who have dry, scaly, unhealthy skin, intolerable itching, particularly at night when they become warm in bed, a heat sensation in their bodies, a dislike of bathing, and a strong desire for sweets.

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