
Ovulation, which is the release of an egg from the ovary, must occur in order to achieve pregnancy. Anovulation, also known as lack of ovulation or absent ovulation, is a type of ovulatory dysfunction, as is oligovulation, which refers to anovulation when ovulation is irregular but not entirely absent.

Up to 40% of infertile females have ovulatory dysfunction as the underlying cause of their infertility.

Causes –

PCOS stands for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

  • Obesity
  • Too low body weight
  • Extreme exercise
  • Hyperprolactinemia
  • Premature ovarian failure
  • Low ovarian reserves, also known as perimenopause
  • Stress levels that are incredibly high
  • Hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism is a form of thyroid dysfunction.

If your cycles are shorter than 21 days or longer than 36 days, you may have ovulatory dysfunction; otherwise, you may experience irregular periods or, in the worst case scenario, no periods at all.

Additionally, if your cycles are between 21 and 36 days, but they differ significantly from month to month (for instance, one month your period is 22 days, the next it’s 35), that could also be a sign of ovulatory dysfunction.

The term “anovulatory cycle” refers to a menstrual cycle in which ovulation does not take place, though it is possible to have your cycles on an almost normal schedule and not ovulate.


SEPIA 200 —The menstrual symptom of Sepia is late and scanty menses, which are frequently accompanied by bearing down sensations in the pelvic area. The ovaries continue to be enlarged with fluid-filled cysts in them. Sepia acts very effectively to regulate the menstrual cycle to appear at the proper expected time. Sepia can also be used to treat infertility cases caused by PCOS.

Homeopathic remedy Pulsatilla removes the barriers that prevent periods from flowing normally, which helps women with anovulation and PCOS cases who have experienced long-term period suppression.

CALCAREA CARB. 200–Women with PCOS who experience excessive weight gain and obesity are also candidates for Calcarea Carb because it effectively reduces their excessive weight gain. Homeopathic medicine Calcarea Carb is of great assistance in the treatment of PCOS with anovulation and is particularly suited when a woman with PCOS suffers from profuse periods that are prolonged more than the usual duration.

NATRUM MUR. 200Homeopathic medicine Natrum Mur should be taken into consideration for women who are having difficulty conceiving because of PCOS. Natrum Mur benefits most women by regularizing their menstrual cycles.

THUJA OCC. 200–Thuja is an effective homeopathic remedy that is used to treat anovulation in women who have multiple ovarian cysts and delayed menstruation.

KALI CARB. 30When the menses are completely suppressed for several months, anovulation results. — Kali Carb is a very helpful medication. Backs and legs give out. Violent backache is relieved by sitting and pressure.

SENECIO AUREUS 30When menstrual symptoms like nausea and heaviness in the pelvic area, as well as other menstrual-related symptoms, are present but there is no menstrual flow, Senecio is the best homeopathic treatment.

APIS MEL. 3xApis mel is a great treatment for anovulation caused by a cyst, which is characterized by cerebral and head symptoms as well as a feeling that menstruation is about to start.

LACHESIS 200-Lachesis is a successful treatment for anovulation as well. The symptoms include a short, feeble menses and a painful cyst in the left ovary that is worse in the morning.

THYRODINUM 30Anovulation brought on by thyroid dysfunction can also be effectively treated with thyrodinum.

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