Homoeopathic treatment for hay fever or allergic rhinitis | HOMOEOPATHY FOR HAY FEVER OR ALLERGIC RHINITIS


A runny nose, itchy eyes, congestion, sneezing, and pressure in the sinuses are some of the signs and symptoms of hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis. However, unlike a cold, hay fever isn’t brought on by a virus; rather, it’s brought on by an allergic reaction to indoor or outdoor allergens, such as pollen, dust mites, or tiny flecks of skin and saliva shed by cats, dogs,

You can find the right treatment and learn to avoid triggers, so you don’t have to put up with the annoying symptoms of hay fever, which can also make you miserable and interfere with your life in general.

Causes-When you have hay fever, your immune system misinterprets a harmless airborne substance as dangerous, leading to the production of antibodies against it. When you come into contact with the harmless substance again, these antibodies prompt your immune system to release histamine into your bloodstream, which triggers a reaction that results in the symptoms of hay fever.

Symptoms–The following list of symptoms and signs of hay fever

Nasal obstruction and runny nose

Allergic conjunctivitis, which causes watery, itchy, and red eyes

· Sneezing

· Cough

Rhinitis, throat, or itchy lips

Skin under the eyes that is swollen and blue in color (allergy shiners)

· Postnasal drip

· Fatigue

Seasonal factors

At certain times of the year, your hay fever symptoms and signs may begin or get worse.

Tree pollen is a typical early spring allergen.

Grass pollen is widespread in the late spring and summer.

Ragweed pollen is a typical autumnal allergen.

Seasonal allergies may worsen in the winter when homes are closed up, and dust mites, cockroaches, and pet dander are all year-round (perennial) annoyances.

Both seasonal and perennial spores are produced by indoor and outdoor fungi and molds.

Risk factors-The likelihood that you’ll get hay fever can be impacted by the following:

Having asthma or additional allergies

· Having atopic dermatitis (eczema)

Having an allergy or asthmatic parent or sibling in your blood family

Spending a lot of time or working in a place where allergens, like animal dander, are present all the time

Being born to a smoker’s mother and experiencing it in the first year of life

The following issues could arise as a result of hay fever:

·Reduced quality of life.Hay fever symptoms frequently result in absences from work or school for many people, and can reduce productivity and interfere with enjoyment of activities.

·Poor sleep.Hay fever symptoms can keep you up at night or make it difficult for you to fall asleep, which can cause fatigue and a general malaise-like feeling.

·Worsening asthma.Coughing and wheezing are two asthma symptoms that can get worse with hay fever.

·Sinusitis.Your risk of developing sinusitis, an infection or inflammation of the membrane lining the sinuses, may increase if you experience persistent sinus congestion brought on by hay fever.

·Ear infection.Otitis media (middle ear infection) in children is frequently aggravated by hay fever.


Some of the most significant homoeopathic remedies for hay fever or allergic rhinitis are listed below.

ALLIUM CEPA 30-One of the best treatments for allergic rhinitis is allium cepa, which is prescribed when the patient experiences burning in the nose and eyes, watery discharge from the eyes as well as a running nose. The patient feels better outside.

ARSENIC ALBUM 30It is prescribed when there are scanty nasal discharge with a stuffy nose and sneezing, the patient is restless and anxious, and the complaints are getting worse in open air. Arsenic alb is another effective medication for allergic rhinitis with intense thirst. The patient has great thirst for small quantities of water at frequent intervals.

NATRUM MURIATICUM 200-The best remedy for allergic rhinitis with excessive sneezing is natrum muriaticum. This condition is characterized by excessive sneezing, intense dryness of the mouth and mucous membranes, fluid coryza that progresses to nasal obstruction, loss of smell and taste, and an increased craving for salt.

**SABADILLA 30-**Sabadilla is prescribed when there is excessive sneezing coupled with a persistent running nose, coryza with spasmodic sneezing, severe frontal pains, redness and watering of the eyes, sore throat starting on the left side, and thick mucus. Symptoms are better with hot food and hot drinks, and worse with cold food and cold drinks. There is no throat irritation.

ARUNDO 30Arundo is a successful treatment for allergic rhinitis, a condition marked by severe itching and burning in the nose, eyes, and roof of the mouth, as well as a deterioration in sense of smell.

AMBROSIA 30—Ambrosia works best for allergic rhinitis, which is characterized by lachrymation, unbearable eyelid itching, watery nasal discharge, a stuffy nose, irritation of the trachea and bronchial tubes, and asthmatic attacks.

ARSENIC IODIDE 30Arsenic iodide is a different medication that works well for allergic rhinitis with sneezing, chronic nasal catarrh, profuse, thick, yellow discharge, and ulceration of the nostrils. Nasal membranes are sore and excoriated.

MERCURIUS SOL.The best treatment for allergic rhinitis is 30-Merc sol if the patient has excessive sneezing, watery nasal discharge, and sensitivity to heat and cold.

PHLEUM PRATENSIS 30The best treatment for allergic rhinitis is phleum pratensis, which is also regarded as a specific treatment for the condition.

NAPHTHALINE 30-With excoriating discharge from the eyes and nose, swollen eyelids, and a propensity for asthma, naphthaline is almost exclusively used as a preventive and curative measure for hay fever.

HISTAMINUM 1000– Allergic catarrh, coryza, and allergies to smoke, dust, and perfumes can all be effectively treated with histaminum.

SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS 30Due to its ability to treat odour and floral odor sensitivity, Sanguinaria can. is effective for hay fever. Because the patient experiences burning hands and feet, they keep them out of bed.

SULPHUR 200Sulphur should be used as an intercurrent remedy when other, carefully chosen treatments are ineffective if you have hay fever caused by an allergy to eggs, butter, animal fats, fish, feathers, or the use of feather pillows, among other things.

TUBERCULINUM 200When treating allergic rhinitis, tuberculinum is always a good place to start because it can sometimes completely cure the patient and shorten the duration of the attack. It should only be administered once every two weeks in four doses, after which it only needs to be repeated every six months for about two years.

Homoeopathic medications like Natrum muriaticum 30 and Naphthaline 30 are used as a preventive for allergic rhinitis. There is no way to prevent getting hay fever, so the best thing to do if you already have it is to reduce your exposure to the allergens that are causing your symptoms.

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