Anywhere in the body, a nerve can become irritated or damaged, resulting in a stabbing, burning, and frequently extremely painful condition called neuralgia.

· aging

diseases like multiple sclerosis or diabetes

a contagious illness, like shingles

Neuralgia’s cause determines how it should be treated.

Types of neuralgia

Postherpetic neuralgia

This type of neuralgia is a complication of shingles and can occur anywhere on the body. Neuralgia can appear wherever the shingles outbreak was, and the pain can be mild or severe, persistent or intermittent, last for months or years, occur before the rash, and in some cases, be isolated to one side of the body because it always happens along a nerve’s path.

Trigeminal neuralgia

A blood vessel pressing down on the trigeminal nerve where it connects with the brainstem, multiple sclerosis, injury to the nerve, or other factors can all contribute to this type of neuralgia, which is characterized by pain from the trigeminal nerve that travels from the brain and branches to various parts of the face.

Trigeminal neuralgia is a condition that most frequently affects people over the age of 50 and is characterized by severe, recurrent facial pain, usually on one side.

Glossopharyngeal neuralgia

This kind of neuralgia causes pain in the neck and throat, but it is uncommon for the glossopharyngeal nerve, which is located in the throat, to cause pain.


You may experience nerve pain due to damage or injury to a nerve, pressure on a nerve, changes in how the nerves function, or for other reasons for which the cause is unknown.


Your risk of developing postherpetic neuralgia, which is caused by the chickenpox virus, increases with age, is one example of how an infection can affect your nerves. An infection in one area of the body may also affect nearby nerves; for instance, if you have an infection in a tooth, it may affect the nerve and cause pain.

Multiple sclerosis

Trigeminal neuralgia can happen in someone who has MS, a condition brought on by the degeneration of myelin, the covering of the nerves.

Pressure on nerves

Neuralgia may be brought on by pressure or compression on the nerves, which could be caused by:

· bone

· ligament

· blood vessel

· tumor

Trigeminal neuralgia frequently results from the pressure exerted by a blood vessel that is swollen.


Neuralgia is a common symptom of diabetes and can be caused by nerve damage from the excess glucose in the bloodstream, which is most common in the hands, arms, feet, and legs.

Less common causes

If an infection, MS, diabetes, or nerve pressure are not the underlying causes of your neuralgia, it may instead be brought on by one of many other, less typical causes, such as:

· chronic kidney disease

· medications prescribed for cancer

Antibiotics called fluoroquinolones, which are used to treat certain infections

injury from surgery, for example

· chemical irritation


When it comes to neuralgia, there are many effective medicines available in homoeopathy, but the choice depends on the individuality of the patient, taking mental and physical symptoms into account. Homoeopathy is currently a rapidly growing system that is used throughout the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual by promoting inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical levels.

ACONITUM NAPELLUS 30Aconite is prescribed when the pain appears suddenly, is worse on the left side, and is accompanied by anguish. Aconite is a great treatment for trigeminal neuralgia.

ARSENICUM ALBUM 30Arsenicum alb, which is prescribed when the pains feel drawing or burning in nature as if from needles, the person is anxious, restless, and thirsty, and the pains are worse after midnight, is another effective treatment for trigeminal neuralgia.

COLOCYNTHIS 200—Colocynth is effective for treating sciatic nerve pain, which is characterized by dull, stitching, shooting pain that suddenly spreads from the hip to the knee or foot, especially on the left side, and that is relieved by heat and hard pressure but made worse by touch or motion.

Magnesium phos is one of the best remedies for nerve pain. Neuralgic pain relieved by warmth is the leading symptom of the remedy. The pains are unbearable, shooting, cutting, stitching in nature, shifting, better by rest, worse at night, and the parts are tender to pressure and numb. Pains occasionally tense in paroxysms, forcing her to cry out.

HYPERICUM PERFORATUM 200Hypericum is an effective remedy for nerve pain after injury to nerves, particularly fingers, toes, and nails. It is best for traumatic neuralgia and neuritis. Hypericum is an effective remedy for nerve pain with tingling, burning, and numbness. Injury to brain and spinal cord. Back pain due to spinal injury.

**KALMIA LATIFOLIA 200—**Kalmia is prescribed when numbness and nerve pain co-occur. Neuralgic pains that shoot downward with numbness are characteristic of Kalmia. These pains affect a large portion of a limb or several joints and pass through quickly. Pains along the ulnar nerve go into the third or fourth fingers. The left side is mostly affected.

CHAMOMILLA 200In cases of excruciating pain coupled with numbness, chamomilla is prescribed. A chamomilla patient is sensitive, irritable, and violently angry. The patient experiences pain that is worse on touch and that is felt to be greater than it actually is.

BELLADONNA 200Belladonna is prescribed for pinched nerves with severe nerve pain that comes and goes suddenly, is throbbing, sharp, cutting, shooting, or clawing, and is accompanied by bright body redness and heat. The pain is made worse by touch or noise.

GNAPHALIUM 30—Gnaphalium works best for sciatic pain, also known as sciatica, which is characterized by numbness that alternates with pain, intense nerve pain that is made worse by lying down or moving around, and pain in the calf and feet that is relieved by sitting.

PUSATILLA NIG. 30The mouth feels dry, but the person does not drink. Pains are better from cold applications and open air. Pulsatilla is excellent for facial neuralgia, especially of the right side, with a drawing or tearing sensation. They are worse from chewing, warmth, and lying on the painful side.

SPIGELIA 30Spigelia is one of the most effective treatments for facial neuralgia when the left side of the face is affected. The pain extends to the left eye, left chest, and left shoulder.

VERBASCUM 30The best treatment for left-side facial neuralgia is verbascum, which relieves pain that radiates to the chin and lower jaw and has a pinching sensation as if the affected areas are being crushed by tongs.

Prevention— You can avoid getting a pinched nerve by taking the following precautions:

Maintain proper alignment by avoiding leg crossings and protracted lying in the same position.

Exercises for flexibility and strength should be incorporated into your regular exercise routine.

Avoid doing a lot of repetitive tasks at once, and take regular breaks.

· Maintain a healthy weight.

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