A tic is an abrupt, uncontrollable movement or sound that differs from a person’s normal gestures, such as a person blinking quickly and repeatedly even when nothing is bothering their eyes.

Tics are common in children and may last for less than one year; they affect boys more frequently than girls, are not involuntary, but are difficult for a child to control; and affect as many as 20% of schoolchildren. Tics affect people differently; they may manifest as uncontrollable movements or noises.

Tics are repetitive movements that don’t typically have a rhytum, they tend to get worse during stressful times, and they are frequently mistaken for nervous behavior.

CausesTic disorders, including depression and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), may be caused by abnormalities of the brain; however, there is no known cause for tics.

It might be connected to neurotransmitters, which are chemicals in the brain that carry nerve signals to cells.

Aside from being a side effect of some medications, tics can occasionally be brought on by an injury or an infection.

SymptomsThese physical tics include uncontrollably raising one’s eyebrows, shrugging one’s shoulders, flaring one’s nostrils, or clenching one’s fists.

DiagnosisThere is no one test to confirm tics, though in some cases testing may be done to rule out other disorders. Tics are diagnosed by a doctor based on a patient’s medical history and physical examination.


There are many effective medicines available in homoeopathy for treating tic, but the choice depends on the individuality of the patient, taking the patient’s mental and physical health into consideration. Homoeopathy is a rapidly expanding system that is currently used throughout the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual by promoting inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical levels.

AGARICUS MUSCARIUS 30The eyelids and eyeballs twitch, the facial muscles feel stiff, the face itch and burn, and agaricus is one of the best treatments for this condition.

HYOSCYAMUS NIGER 30—Hyoscyamus is adapted to nervous, irritable, and excitable people. Hyoscyamus is one of the best treatments for tics where the person makes grimaces and absurd gestures. Muscles twitch when protruding the tongue.

CUPRUM METALLICUM 200—Cuprum Metallicum is the best remedy for eyelid twitching, distorted facial features, rolling of the lower jaw, and rapid eyeball rotation or tossing of the eyes behind closed lids.

**ARGENTUM NITRICUM 200—-**Argentum nitricum is appropriate for impulsive and hurried people, panic attacks, and anxiety-related tics. It should also be used when anxiety exacerbates tics.

IGNATIA AMARA 200Ignatia is best suited for people who are overly sensitive, anxious, and prone to mood swings and hysterical outbursts. These people often twitch their face and lips, clench their jaws spasmodically, and have complaints that are exacerbated by their emotions.

LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM 200Lycopodium is recommended when a person has a silly expression, a low sense of confidence, twitches their face and mouth when they are tired or stressed, and they weep all day long.

ZINCUM METALLICUM 200The best candidates for zincum met are those who have cerebral and nervous exhaustion, which is characterized by jerking and twitching of individual muscles as well as automatic movement of the hands and head or of one hand and the head.

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