Homeopathy Medicine for Exfoliative Dermatitis


persistent erythema, accompanied by profuse and repeated exfoliation. This includes nails and hair. There are also enlarged lymph nodes and the patient complains of a constant cold. This is EXFOLIATIVE DERMATITIS.

The entire skin is erythematous, oedematous, and scaly; it usually develops without a prior skin condition or after dermatitis; it can also be a reaction to a number of medications, including sulphonamides, sulphonylureas, gold, etc.; and it can occasionally be a symptom of other systemic diseases, such as lymphoma.


The underlying cause of exfoliative dermatitis is a disorder of the skin cells, which die and shed excessively quickly (a process known as turning over), leading to significant peeling and scaling of the skin (also known as sloughing).

Underlying conditions

Exfoliative dermatitis can occur in a large number of people who already have chronic skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, and autoimmune diseases.

Drug reactions

Massive skin peeling may result from a variety of drug reactions, including adverse reactions to the following medications:

  • sulfa drugs
  • penicillin
  • barbiturates
  • Other seizure medicines, such as phenytoin (Dilantin),
  • isoniazid
  • blood pressure medications
  • calcium channel blockers
  • Medication applied topically (topical medications)

Exfoliative dermatitis, however, can be brought on by almost any medication.

Other causes

According to Merck Manuals, up to 25% of cases of exfoliative dermatitis are idiopathic, which is when a disease or condition has no known cause. Idiopathic is when a disease or condition has no known cause, and certain cancer types, including leukemia and lymphoma, may also speed up the skin cell turnover rate.


Skin and nail changes

Erythroderma, also known as exfoliative dermatitis, is the name for the change in skin color that occurs in most people with exfoliative dermatitis. This change in skin color is known as erythroderma, and it spreads over large areas of the body. Massive peeling of the skin then occurs, which may be rough and scaly, and can cause pain and itching. Your nails may also thicken and become more ridged.

Flu-like symptoms

Due to widespread skin peeling’s effect on your internal thermometer and the heat loss from your damaged skin, people with exfoliative dermatitis may also experience flu-like symptoms, such as fever and chills.

Complications from skin shedding

A low blood volume may also be present in those with this condition as a result of fluid loss through skin loss.

The constant shedding of the skin can prevent your body from absorbing vital nutrients (such as vitamins A and D) that help to maintain a healthy epidermis. You also lose protein and fluids from the sloughing. Dehydration and protein deficiencies are common complications. Skin shedding may begin in small patches, but over time, it spreads to most of the body. Skin is made up primarily of protein.

Severe symptoms

The most common causes of death in patients with exfoliative dermatitis are pneumonia, septicemia, and heart failure. Severe exfoliative dermatitis symptoms can be fatal. Patients who develop complications of infection, fluid and electrolyte abnormalities, and cardiac failure are most at risk of dying.


If left untreated, exfoliative dermatitis can last for months or even years and is characterized by persistent, almost universal exfoliation, as well as the potential loss of hair and nails. Good nourishing is crucial.

Kalium arsenicosumPatient is restless, anxious, and anemic. Skin is dry, scaly, and wilted. Chronic eczema with intolerable itching. Pain is worse at night, from underwear, warmth, and walking. Fissures on the bends of arms and knees. Skin has a propensity for cancer, which develops without any warning signs or symptoms.

Berberis aquifoliumhas breakouts on the scalp that extend to the face and neck; at times, the skin is dry, rough, scaly, and pimply; and puruitus is a dry eczema that is improved by washing in cold water.

Petroleumis for eczema with deep cracks in the folds, nipples, and finger tips; worse in the winter; worse at night; itching of orifices with burning; smallest injury suppurates; thick greenish crusts; with burning itching; redness; and bleeding; skin is extremely sensitive to the touch of clothing.

Graphiteshas dry, rough skin that breaks easily, oozes exudates, and heals slowly. It is worse in the folds. Eczema behind the ears, with cracks and fissures. Eczema of the lids, red, swollen. Moist, crusty eruptions, worse from heat.

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