LDD Bio Combinations No.15 25g – Menstrual Troubles


Menstrual irregularities include dysmenorrhoea (painful menstruation), metrorrhagia, early or late onset, bright red or dark red spotting, scanty or excessive flow in young girls, and metrorrhagia in elderly women.


  1. Calcarea phosphica 3X.
  2. phosphoric acid ferrum 3x
  3. Kali phosphaticum 3x
  4. Magnesium Phosphoric Acid, 3x
  5. Kali sulfuricum 3X

Useful hints:

  • Adults: – Four tablets, four times a day, three hours apart,
  • CHILDREN: – 2 tablets, four times a day, spaced three hours apart, or as directed by a doctor.
BrandLDD Bioscience
Shelf Life5 Years
Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginIndia
For Use ByWomen / Female
Homeo FormsBiocombination Tablet
Price₹ 80

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