Homeopathy Medicine for Myocardial Infarction


Patient presents with a history of sudden chest pain. Similar in character to exertional angina pectoric, but it has occurred during rest and has remained for quite some time now. There is also restlessness, occasional vomiting and sweating. The condition is MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION.Patients with diabetes, hypertension, and aging have silent myocardial infarctions, which may go unnoticed or cause hypotension, breathlessness, or arrhythmia. Typically, there are no abnormal physical signs unless any complications develop, though there may be initial hypotension and sinus tachycardia.


Although shortness of breath and chest pain are the two most well-known signs of a heart attack, there are many other symptoms that may also occur.

  • chest discomfort or pressure
  • aches in the upper body that last for more than a few minutes or that disappear and reappeared in the chest, back, jaw, or other areas
  • shortness of breath
  • sweating
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • anxiety
  • a cough
  • dizziness
  • a fast heart rate

Chest pain is the most frequently reported symptom in both men and women, but women are more likely than men to report having the following symptoms:

  • shortness of breath
  • jaw pain
  • upper back pain
  • lightheadedness
  • nausea
  • vomiting

Actually, some female heart attack victims claim that their symptoms were similar to those of the flu.


Your coronary arteries, which carry oxygen-rich blood to your heart muscle specifically, can become blocked or narrowed due to a buildup of plaque. This can cause the blood flow to your heart to decrease significantly or stop altogether. Your heart is the main organ in your cardiovascular system, which also includes various types of blood vessels.

Bad cholesterol

Not all cholesterol is bad, but LDL cholesterol can adhere to the walls of your arteries and produce plaque, a hard substance that obstructs blood flow in the arteries. Blood platelets, which aid in blood clotting, may stick to the plaque and further obstruct blood flow. Bad cholesterol, also known as low-density lipoprotein (LDL), is one of the main factors that lead to an artery blockage.

Saturated fats

Saturated fats, which are primarily found in meat and dairy products like beef, butter, and cheese, may also play a role in the development of plaque in the coronary arteries. Saturated fats may cause an arterial blockage by raising the levels of bad cholesterol and lowering the levels of good cholesterol in your blood.

Trans fat

Trans fat, also known as hydrogenated fat, is another type of fat that causes clogged arteries. Trans fat, which is typically synthesized artificially, can be found in a variety of processed foods, and is typically labeled as hydrogenated oil or partially hydrogenated oil.

Risk factors

You may be more likely to experience a heart attack if certain conditions exist.

High blood pressure

High blood pressure damages your arteries and speeds up the buildup of plaque, putting you at higher risk for a heart attack. Normal blood pressure is below 120/80 mm Hg (millimeters of mercury), depending on your age.

High cholesterol levels

Your risk of suffering an acute myocardial infarction increases if you have high levels of cholesterol in your blood, which you may be able to reduce by altering your diet or by taking certain drugs known as statins.

High triglyceride levels

Triglycerides are a type of fat that clog up your arteries; they are absorbed through your blood and are typically stored in your fat cells, but some triglycerides may remain in your arteries and contribute to the formation of plaque. High triglyceride levels also increase your risk for having a heart attack.

Diabetes and high blood sugar levels

High blood sugar levels can harm blood vessels and eventually result in coronary artery disease, a serious medical condition that in some people can cause heart attacks. Diabetes is a condition that raises blood sugar, or glucose, levels.


Being extremely overweight increases your risk of having a heart attack because it is linked to a number of conditions that do so, such as:

  • diabetes
  • high blood pressure
  • high cholesterol levels
  • high triglyceride levels


You run a higher risk of having a heart attack if you smoke tobacco products.


Men are more likely to experience a heart attack after the age of 45, while women are more likely to experience one after the age of 55.

Family history

If you have male or female relatives who were diagnosed with heart disease before the age of 55 or before the age of 65, your risk of having a heart attack is higher.

Additionally, the following things can make you more likely to have a heart attack:

  • stress
  • lack of exercise
  • the consumption of illicit drugs like cocaine and amphetamines
  • a background of pregnancy-related high blood pressure, or preeclampsia


It is always advisable to admit the patient in a coronary care unit of a hospital as soon as possible. The emergency department must have the staff and facilities to provide the treatment necessary within the first few hours. Pain is the primary symptom that may need immediate attention. Lethat arrhythmias may occur. This needs special care and attention.

Prescriptions can be written before the patient is taken to the hospital.

MorphinumThe pathogenesis of this drug is that it makes the patient extremely sensitive to pain, which may be treated by reducing restlessness, hyperaesthesia, trembling, twitching, and jerking of the limbs.

Arsenicum albumis a second restless remedy that enters the picture, especially when there is anxiety and a persistent fear of dying. As the infarct progresses, it may develop arrhythmias, either bradycardia or tachycardia, Ventricular extra systoles are common, and Ventricular fibrillation may follow.

Digitalis purpureaThe greatest indication of digitalis purpurea is when auricular fibrillation has set in and there is failure of compensation. There is coldness of skin, irregular respiration, and a bluish appearance of the face. There is weakness and dilatation of the myocardium. The pulse is slow in the recumbent posture but irregular and dicrotic in the sitting posture.

Ignatia amarathe patient wakes up at 2 am with tachycardia, the accompanying symptom of heat and fullness in the head and neck, and the condition is frequently found to be accompanied by an excessively nervous and frightened condition with cold hands and feet. the patient has dull or stitching pains, palpitation, and breathlessness on the slightest exertion. the pulse is full, irregular, and intermittent. the slightest effort, laugh, or cough aggravates the situation.

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