New Life Bach Flower Sweet Chestnut (30ml) : For Mental Anxiety, loss of confidence, worried, tension


Also known as

heavenly chestnut





75 (gms)


Dimensions: 3.5 x 3.5 x 9.2 cm

Bach Flower Sweet Chestnut

Unbearable Pain

  • awful, horrific despair in the mind.
  • extreme mental suffering, bereavement pain, and physical exhaustion.
  • Exhaustion and loneliness have almost completely destroyed me.
  • There is absolutely no hope and no peace in the future.

This Bach flower remedy (Sweet Chestnut) is for a desperate mental anguish, a feeling of utter despair as though there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Those experiencing this way feel that there is nothing left in life and are so depressed that they may physically hurt inside, feeling desolate and heartbroken. However, they do not seriously consider suicide because they do not believe eveything will turn out alright.

courtesy of Farokh J. Master’s Bach Flower Remedies for Everyone

Human Indication of Bach Flower Sweet Chestnut

when you are overcome by an overwhelming sense of sorrow and despair that is devoid of all hope.

BrandNew Life
Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginIndia
Homeo FormsBach Flower Remedies
Price₹ 100

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