Nightmares are common in children, but they can occur at any age, and they’re usually nothing to worry about unless they happen frequently. A nightmare is a disturbing dream associated with negative feelings, such as anxiety or fright, that wakes you up.

Girls appear to experience nightmares more frequently during adolescence and young adulthood than do boys, though some adults experience nightmares throughout their entire lives. Nightmares can start in children as young as 3 years old and tend to lessen after the age of 10.

Nightmare disorder, which is when nightmares occur frequently, cause distress, interfere with sleep, impair daytime functioning, or instill a fear of falling asleep, is relatively uncommon despite the fact that nightmares are a common occurrence.


These factors can lead to nightmare disorder:

· Anxiety and stress

The loss of a loved one or other traumatic or upsetting events can cause nightmares.

Changes in sleep pattern, sleep loss, jet lag, illness, and fever

The withdrawal symptoms from drugs or medications, such as sedatives.

· Alcohol consumption or withdrawal

Sleep breathing issues, including sleep apnea

Narcolepsy and the disorder of sleep terrors are examples of sleep disorders.

· Eating before bed time


Examples of nightmare symptoms and signs are:

Recurring long, incredibly depressing, and vivid dreams that are typically about fending off threats to one’s physical security, survival, or integrity. These dreams typically take place in the second half of a major sleep episode.

The person quickly becomes alert and oriented after emerging from the dysphoric dreams.

The sleep disturbance leads to distress that is clinically significant or to functional impairment in crucial areas such as social, occupational, or other.

The symptoms of a nightmarish episode cannot be attributed to a substance’s physiological effects, including drug abuse or medication use.

The common complaint of dysphoric dreams is not sufficiently explained by co-occurring mental and medical conditions.


When there is a history of nightmares or other sleep parasomnias in the family, such as talking while asleep, nightmares are more common.


Nightmare disorder may cause

Daytime sleepiness that is excessive and can interfere with daily activities like driving and concentration, as well as cause issues at work or school.

Mood issues, such as anxiety or depression brought on by persistently bothersome dreams

Fear of having another nightmare prevents you from going to sleep or staying asleep.

Suicidal ideation or activity.


There are many effective medicines available in homoeopathy for treating nightmare disorder, but the choice depends on the patient’s individuality, taking into account their mental and physical health. Homoeopathy is a rapidly expanding system that is practiced all over the world.

ALOE SOCOTRINA:Has self-pooping dreams and has a hard time falling asleep.

ARSENIC ALBUM:Having death-related dreams and being afraid of getting sick

CALCAREA CARBONICUM:Children who have nightmares, who scream inconsolably at odd hours, or who have monster dreams

CALCAREA FLOURICA:In vivid dreams, she jumps out of bed and shows signs of impending danger as well as weeping.

CANNABIS INDICA:Every night as soon as he goes to sleep, he has nightmares; his dreams are prophetic dead bodies of danger and peril; he jerks his limbs and grinds his teeth while sleeping.

CARCINOSIN:Dreams that cause you to awaken at midnight or later than 4 am may cause twitching or shocks to your body.

KALI PHOSPHORICUMChildren’s nightmares, drowsiness and yawning, restless sleep, and heat.

LEDUM PALUSTRE:She has a swollen throat, a choking sensation, and a fear that she will pass away if she goes to sleep.

PAEONIA:often wakes up writhing from ghost dreams that appear to be sitting on his chest.

PHOSPHORUS:vivid nightmares involving fire, bleeding, and sleepwalking.

SEPIA:frightened dreams, screaming in terror, dreams of rape, dreams of being chased, dreams of being chased with a knife.

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