Homeopathy Medicine for Osteomalacia


Osteomalacia is a weakening of the bones that results from severe vitamin D deficiency. It is a gradual softening and bending of the bones that can cause bowing during growth in children and young adults, especially in the weight-bearing bones of the legs. Osteomalacia in older adults can result in fractures.


As osteomalacia advances, one may experience bone pain and muscle weakness. In its early stages, osteomalacia may not present with symptoms, but it may exhibit signs on an X-ray or other diagnostic tests.

The lower back, pelvis, hips, legs, and ribs are the areas of osteomalacia that are most frequently affected by the dull, aching pain that is associated with the condition. The pain may be worse at night or when one applies pressure to the bones, and it is rarely completely relieved by rest.

A waddling gait and slower, more challenging walking can be caused by decreased muscle tone and leg weakness.


The body uses the minerals calcium and phosphate to help build strong bones; however, if these nutrients are not obtained in sufficient quantities through diet or if the body is unable to properly absorb them, osteomalacia may result. These issues can be brought on by:

Vitamin D deficiency

Certain surgeries.

Celiac disease.

Kidney or liver disorders.



People who do not get enough vitamin D from their diet and receive little sun exposure, such as older adults, those who are housebound, and those who are ill, are most at risk of developing osteomalacia.


Getting enough vitamin D can frequently prevent osteomalacia brought on by insufficient sun exposure or a diet low in vitamin D.

Eat foods high in vitamin D.

Take supplements, if needed.



Given when injuries are slow to heal. There is a tendency to have a low resistance to infection. Appropriate for patients who have a refined or delicate appearance and frequently have weakness in the spine. Useful for osteomalacia in those who are anxious, easily tired, very cold, and tend to sweat at night.


Especially helpful for osteoporosis, where fractures frequently result from minor trauma. Useful for bone strengthening and healing when new fractures occur.


Very helpful for osteoporosis with stiffness, soreness, and weakness of the bones and joints. Distressing aching in the neck, upper back, and hips. Deep exhaustion, especially after exercise. Feeling of dissatisfaction and a strong desire for travel or a change of circumstances.


When weakness is felt in the spine and there is a burning pain between the shoulder blades, this remedy is beneficial for osteomalacia. Those who benefit from it are frequently tall and thin with an easily flushed face. There is a strong desire for cooling foods (especially ice cream) and a thirst for cold or carbonated drinks.

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