Homeopathy Medicine for Photodermatitis


As one can have allergy or sensitivity to anything under the sun, including the sun, there is a disease where one tends to be allergic or sensitive to sunlight. That condition is known as Photodermatitis or photosensitivitis.


Causes of Photodermatitis

  • inherent propensity of the human body to respond to sunlight.
  • In addition to certain antibiotics, anti-diabetic medications, psoralens, coal tars (used to treat psoriasis), salicylanilide (an industrial chemical), and vitamin B3 (niacin) deficiency, there are some chemicals and medications that can increase one’s susceptibility to having such hypersensitivity.


  • Rash on the skin that has been exposed to the sun, such as the arms, hands, back, or entire body (in the case of submersion bathing).
  • Itchy, mildly scaled, painful, and reddened skin are all symptoms.
  • a light, watery discharge could be present.
  • Following treatment, many patients’ skin often darkens or turns black, especially on the face.
  • Unfortunately, skin darkening may persist even after sun exposure has been stopped.


Natrum Mur

It is indicated in cases where there is itching, prickling, and stinging sensation, or crawling sensation; rash or vesicles may also be present on the skin; and blisters that tend to burst and discharge watery fluid. Natrum Mur is an effective homeopathic medicine for treating itchy skin in cases of photodermatitis. Skin made worse by exposure to the sun respond well to Natrum Mur.

Cadmium Sulph

a natural treatment for photodermatitis, a condition in which exposure to sunlight causes skin pigmentation, which is most noticeable on the face and sometimes accompanied by itching that tends to get worse at night and be relieved by scratching.


Homeopathic medicineSulphuris a treatment for photodermatitis that effectively relieves a burning sensation on the skin. This burning sensation is typically worse at night and frequently causes sleep disturbances.


headache after exposure to the sun in cases of photodermatitis. the headache is most noticeably congestive with severe throbbing pains in the head; in some cases, the eyeballs may protrude out; headache may be accompanied by nausea; headache is most often felt in the temporal (sides) region and vertex (top) of the head; headache is relieved by sleep; a marked heated sensation in the head is also present.

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