SBL Mercurius Dulcis 30 CH (30ml) : For inflammation of ear, Prostatitis, renal and cardiac diseases, mouth ulcer


Also known as

Dul Merc



30 CH




82 (gms)


3.5 cm by 3.5 cm by 9.5 cm

Mercurius Dulcis

Calomel, commonly used

Causes & Symptoms for Mercurius Dulcis

  • Otitis media and other ear issues, such as Eustachian tube closure, can be effectively treated with Mercurius Dulcis.
  • The retracted, thickened, and immovable membrane tympani that are present in scrofulous children can also benefit their ear issues.
  • A mouth ulcer, bad breath, excessive salivation, and sore gums can all be treated with Mercurius Dulcis.
  • Saliva that is constantly flowing is foul-smelling and dark.
  • Additionally, it aids those who have dysphagia and a throat ulcer.
  • Stools are scanty, bloody with mucus and bile, and there is constant desire without tenesmus. Mercurius Dulcis is also effective for rectal symptoms. The anus is sore and burning, and it is soothed by it.
  • One of the main symptoms experienced by patients is inflammation with plastic exudation.
  • With the aid of Merc dulc, cheek and gland swelling as well as lower jaw exfoliation are reduced.
  • The use of mercurius dulc can relieve children’s frequent loose motions and grass-green, egg-chopped stools.
  • Mercurius Dulc helps to alleviate catarrhal throat and eye conditions.
  • Age-related prostatitis complaints are treated with it.
  • An early sign is pain in the area around the anus.
  • Mercurius Dulc provides relief for mucous membrane infections, particularly those of the ear and eye that result in wax-related ear blockages, ear canal inflammation, and eustachian tube obstruction that impair hearing.


Otitis media, closure of the Eustachian tube, ear issues in children with scrofula, and retracted, thickened, and immovable membrana tympani are all indicated for the use of Mercurius Dulcis.


Salivation, bad breath, ulcers, black tongue, and sore gums are all symptoms.

Constant, foul-smelling saliva is coming out of the mouth, which is very offensive.

In cases of granular pharyngitis, dysphagia, and throat ulceration, Mercurius Dulcis is effective.


Infants who frequently vomit or experience nausea can benefit from taking Mercurius Dulcis.


With bile, constant desire, and little or no tenesmus, the mucus is scanty and bloody.

Anus is sore and burning, and it is dark green and watery.

Mercurius Dulcis relieves dysentery, which is characterized by mucus- and blood-filled little stools that are covered in bile.


Swollen glands, saggy skin, and poor nutrition.

Phagenic ulcers and eruptions with a copper color respond well to Mercurius Dulcis.

Side effects of Mercurius Dulcis

Although there are no such side effects, it is still important to take each medication according to the instructions.

Even if you are taking other forms of medication, such as those obtained through allopathy, ayurveda, etc., it is safe to take the medication.

The effectiveness of other medications is never hampered by homeopathic remedies.

Dosage and rules while taking Mercurius Dulcis

Three times per day, mix five drops in a half cup of water.

The globules can also be used as medicine; take them as directed by your doctor, usually three times per day.

We advise you to use medical advice when taking.

Precautions while taking Mercurius Dulcis

If you take medication, make sure to wait 15 minutes between eating and taking it.

Consult a homeopathic doctor prior to use if you are pregnant or nursing.

While taking medication, refrain from consuming alcohol or tobacco.

Terms and Conditions

Homeopathic medicines have a variety of uses and are prescribed based on symptom similarity; it is assumed that you have sought medical advice before purchasing this medication and are not self-medicating.

BrandSBL Dilutions
Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginIndia
Homeo FormsDilution
Potency30 CH / 30CH
Price₹ 80

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