SBL Bio Combination 23 (450g) : Toothache, Swelling and Bleeding of Gums, Strengthens teeth


Also known as

bc23, biocomb23, biocomb23, biocomb23



529 (gms)


Dimensions: 9.4 x 9.4 x 12.5 cm

SBL Bio Combination 23

BC 23- Toothache

Composition of SBL Bio Combination 23

  • Iron phosphoricum, 3x
  • Fluorescent Calcarea – 3x
  • 3x Magnesium Phosphoric Acid

Indications of SBL Bio Combination 23

  • neuralgic pain, unnatural tooth retraction, bleeding, or swollen gums.
  • The gums swell and bleed, which helps to keep the teeth firmly in place.

Action of Biochemic medicine in SBL Bio Combination 23

Ferrum phosphoricum – 3x Increased Body temperature during teething. Redness, heat, throbbing, minor irritations along with sore red throat, toothache, minor ear pain, common colds.: During teething, ferrum phosphoricum causes a threefold increase in body temperature, as well as minor irritants like a sore throat, toothache, ear pain, and colds.

Calcarea fluorica – 3x Unnatural looseness of the teeth, with or without pain; teeth become loose in their sockets. Toothache, with pain if any food touches the tooth. Gum-boil, with hard swelling on the jaw.: Calcarea fluorica – 3x Toothache, with pain if any food touches the tooth, gum boil, with hard swelling on the jaw, and unnatural looseness of the teeth, with or without pain; teeth become loose in their sockets.

Magnesia phosphorica – 3x Toothache better by heat and hot liquids. Ulceration of teeth with swelling of glands of face, throat and neck.: Tooth ulceration with swollen glands in the face, throat, and neck; Magnesia phosphorica – 3x Toothache relieved by heat and hot liquids.

Dosage of SBL Bio Combination 23

Four tablets per day for adults, or four times every three hours.

Kids: 1–2 tablets, 4 times daily.

Terms and Conditions

Before purchasing this medication, we have assumed that you sought medical advice and are not using it for self-medication.

Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginIndia
Homeo FormsBiocombination Tablet
Price₹ 655

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