
Age-related wear and tear that affects the spinal disks in your neck is known as cervical spondylosis, and as the disks dry out and shrink, osteoarthritis symptoms such as bone spurs start to appear.

More than 85% of people over the age of 60 have cervical spondylosis, a condition that is very common and gets worse with age.

When symptoms do appear, nonsurgical treatments are frequently successful because the majority of people don’t experience any symptoms from these issues.

Your neck and backbone’s bones and cartilage gradually deteriorate with age due to a variety of factors, including:

Dehydrated disks.By the time most people reach their forties, their spinal disks start to dry out and shrink, allowing more bone-on-bone contact between the vertebrae.

Herniated disks.Your spinal disks’ exterior is also impacted by aging, which can cause cracks to open up and result in bulging (herniated) disks, which can occasionally put pressure on the spinal cord and nerve roots.

Bone spurs.In an attempt to strengthen the spine, the spine frequently produces excess bone as a result of disk degeneration, but these bone spurs can occasionally entrap the spinal cord and nerve roots.

Stiff ligaments.Spinal ligaments, which connect one bone to another, can stiffen with advancing age, reducing the flexibility of your neck. Ligaments are cords of tissue that do this.

Symptoms–Cervical spondylosis typically goes unnoticed by patients, and when it does, neck pain and stiffness are the most common symptoms.

When the space needed by the spinal cord and the nerve roots that travel through the spine to the rest of your body becomes constrained due to cervical spondylosis, the following symptoms may occur:

  • Arms, hands, legs, or feet that are tingly, numb, or weak
  • Having trouble walking and having poor coordination
  • control over one’s bowels or bladder


PHOSPHORIC ACID 30—One of the best treatments for cervical spondylosis is phosphoric acid. It relieves the following symptoms: dull pain between the scapulae, paralytic weakness along the spine, formication along the spine, and pain in the back and limbs as if beaten.

Cimicifuga is yet another successful treatment for cervical spondylosis, which is characterized by stiffness and contraction of the neck muscles that causes the neck to be stiff, neck pain that forces the head back, a very sensitive upper spine, stiff neck, pain that is worsened by pressure, and pain in the angle of the left scapula.

GUAICUM 30The best homeopathic treatment for cervical spondylosis is guaicum when there is severe neck pain and stiffness. These symptoms include pain from the head to the neck, achy shoulders, stiff neck, and stitches between the scapulae and occiput.

LACHNANTHES 30When the neck pain is caused by rheumatism of the neck, lachnanthes is one of the best homeopathic treatments for cervical spondylosis.

Rhus tox is one of the best homeopathic medicines for cervical spondylosis when there is noticeable stiffness and pain in the neck upon awakening. Rhus tox is more for cases where the pain in the neck worsens after periods of rest.

COCCULUS INDICUS 30– Cracking of the cervical vertebrae, a weak neck that is unable to support the head, pain in the shoulders and arms that feels bruised, stiffness when moving the shoulders.

CAUSTICUM 30– A dull pain in the nape of the neck, stiffness in the neck or back when getting out of a chair, and difficulty moving the head. – Cervical spondylitis with frequent, uncontrollable urination.

DULCAMARA30—After prolonged stooping, pain in the small of the back, stiffness and lameness across the neck and shoulders, and pain after exposure to cold or moisture.

THERIDION 30Vertigo is a result of spinal cord degeneration; closing your eyes makes it worse.

GELSEMIUM 30-Heavy head, upper sternocleido muscles in the neck, which feel bruised, inability to hold the head steady, lack of muscle coordination, and difficulty walking.

KALI IODIDE 30-Kali iodide is also an effective treatment for cervical spondylitis that causes nighttime numbness.

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