Homeopathy Medicine for Diverticulitis


The large intestine (colon) is affected by diverticular disease, diverticulitis, and related digestive conditions.

Diverticulitis is when the small pockets (diverticula) that form as a result of diverticular disease become inflamed or infected.


  • Lower abdominal pain
  • Feeling bloated
  • severe stomach pain, particularly on the left side
  • Fever with a high of at least 38C (100.4F)
  • the inability to eat or drink


  • Age: Diverticulitis occurs more frequently as people get older.
  • Obesity: Having a significant excess of body fat increases our risk of developing diverticulitis.
  • Smoking.
  • Lack of exercise.
  • diet with little fiber and a lot of animal fat.
  • Certain medications.


  • Colonoscopy
  • CT pneumocolon or colonography :




COLOCYNTHIS :Especially advised when eating and drinking make the pain worse and relief appears by bending over twice or on lying on the abdomen. Useful for diverticulitis with pain in the lower part of the abdomen that is colicky, cramping, gripping, sharp, cutting pain in nature. Given when pain from abdomen may radiate to thighs or small of the back.

MAGNESIA CARB :When there is abdominal pain from diverticulitis, this medication is recommended. It should be used when the abdominal pain is cramping in nature and there is a lot of flatus present.

NUX VOMICA :Useful medication for diverticulitis with constipation, which is characterized by an incessant, ineffective urge to urinate, frequent recurrence of the urge, dry, scanty, and always unsatisfactory stools, as well as abdominal pain that may be felt prior to urinating and subsides after urinating.

BRYONIA :Helpful medication for diverticulitis in cases of constipation. There is burning at the anus with pinching abdominal colic. There is large, hard, dry, tough, and seemingly burned stool that is passed with difficulty and only after great effort.

ARSENIC ALBUM :VGiven when vomiting that includes ingesta or yellow-green liquid and occasionally clear water occurs shortly after eating or drinking, this extremely effective medication is also helpful for abdominal pain with anxiety and restlessness. There is noticeable fatigue and weakness that arises with the symptoms mentioned above.

ALOES SOCOTRINA :Useful for diverticulitis with complaints of diarrhea, frequent, thin, yellow stools that may contain undigested food particles, urgency to pass stools, constant bearing down in the rectum, abdominal pain with bloating (especially on the left side of the abdomen), and a discharge of profusely offensive flatus that eases the abdominal pain.

CHINA :Useful for diverticulitis when there is abdominal pain, bloating, and excessive flatus. Given when the abdomen feels tight with flatus rumbling and moving. Useful when bending over twice to ease pain. There may be frequent loose stools that are profuse, watery, and offensive, which can lead to marked debility.

RL 36

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