Homeopathy Medicine for Gigantism


When a child’s pituitary gland produces excessive amounts of growth hormone, also known as somatotropin, it results in gigantism, a rare condition that affects abnormal growth in children that is most noticeable in terms of height but also affects girth. It is almost always caused by an adenoma, which is a tumor of the pituitary gland.


The pea-sized pituitary gland, which is located at the base of the brain, is the primary cause of gigantism and is almost always the cause of the condition.

Infrequent causes of gigantism include the following:

  • McCunePatches of light-brown skin, abnormalities of the glands, and abnormal bone growth are all symptoms of Albright syndrome.
  • Carney complexis an inherited disorder that results in endocrine tumors, connective tissue tumors, spots of darker skin, and cancerous or non-cancerous tumors.
  • Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1)is an inherited condition that results in tumors in the parathyroid, pituitary, or pancreas.
  • Neurofibromatosiscauses nervous system tumors as a result of an inherited disorder.


Some parts of a child’s body may be larger in proportion to other parts of their body if they have gigantism, and they may be noticeably larger than other kids their age.

  • very large feet and hands
  • Thick toes and fingers
  • a pronounced forehead and jaw
  • Coarse facial features
  • large tongues, lips, and/or heads; flat noses.

Symptoms of GigantismAs the pituitary gland tumor grows, it may put pressure on brain nerves, resulting in symptoms that can also depend on the size of the tumor.

1. Headaches

2. Vision problems

3. Nausea

4. Excessive sweating

5. Severe or recurrent headaches

6. Weakness

7. Sleep disorders, including insomnia

8. Both boys and girls experience delayed puberty

9. Girls who experience irregular periods

10. Deafness

Other symptoms include:

  • Delay in puberty
  • physical modifications resembling those seen in acromegaly patients, such as:

A. Excessive hand- and foot-size growth

B. “Paddle” toes, which are distal fingers and toes that have widened,

C. Hands have a soft doughy texture.

changes to the features of the face, which can be very noticeable:

A. A bigger jaw and forehead

B. Pronounced underbite

C. Spreading teeth

D. Exaggerated lips, nose, and tongue

E. Men’s voices getting deeper

Skin changes:

A. More skin tags on the body

B.Excessive perspiration and oily skin

2. The development of carpal tunnel syndrome may result from increased tissue in the wrists that presses on the nerves.



Serious conditions related to long-standing, untreated gigantism/acromegaly include

A. High blood pressure

B. Adult-onset diabetes or Type 2 diabetes

C. Heart problems, such as heart failure brought on by an enlarged heart

Giants are at increased risk of developing other tumors or lesions of the body:

  • Speaking with your doctor about screening is advised because thyroid cancer occurs more frequently.
  • In order to check for colon polyps, you should also have routine colonoscopies.

Pituitary Failure or Hypopituitarism :

The signs and symptoms of hormone insufficiency, also known as hypopituitarism, can be caused by increased compression of the normal gland.

  • reduction of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), two sex hormones.

ALow testosterone levels in men may result from this, which can impair their sexual drive.

B. There may occasionally be a loss of facial and body hair.

CInfertility in women may result from this.

  • It is known as the “stalk effect” and it can be caused by compression of the pituitary stalk, which connects the brain and pituitary gland. Large pituitary tumors can slightly increase blood prolactin levels.

Galacterrhea, a reduction or loss in menstrual periods, as well as decreased or absent breast milk production, may result in premenopausal women.

A. Unlike prolactinomas, which typically have very high prolactin levels, there is only a slight increase in prolactin levels.

B.Serious hypopituitarism that is more advanced can cause hypothyroidism or dangerously low cortisol levels, which can be fatal.

Symptoms of severe hypopituitarism include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • losing or gaining weight
  • Fatigue
  • Decreased energy
  • Decreased mental function
  • Dizziness

The following signs and symptoms could be caused by changes in hormonal function:

  • Fatigue
  • Seizures


  • Hormone testing
  • Imaging scans


A full case history, including the patient’s mental, physical, and constitutional symptoms, is necessary for homoeopathy because it relies entirely on all forms of medicine.

Baryta carb, Calcarea carb, Pitutary, Thyroidinum, Phosphorus, Neurolplus

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