Homeopathy Medicine for Infertility


Infertility is the inability to conceive after a year of trying; it also includes the condition where a woman is able to become pregnant but continues to experience miscarriages or stillbirths.

Most couples define infertility as the inability to become pregnant despite engaging in regular, unprotected sex for at least a year.

Symptoms of Infertility

The primary symptom of infertility is not being able to conceive; there may be no other obvious symptoms. In some cases, a woman with infertility may experience irregular or nonexistent menstrual cycles; in other cases, a man with infertility may exhibit some signs of hormonal issues, such as changes in hair growth or sexual function.

With or without treatment, the majority of couples will eventually get pregnant.

Causes of Infertility

The issues that lead to infertility in couples can sometimes be present at birth, or they can develop later in life, but in order to get pregnant, all the steps during ovulation and fertilization need to occur correctly.

One partner may be affected by the causes of infertility, or both.

  • There is a problem with the man in roughly one-third of cases.
  • A woman’s problem is present in roughly one-third of cases.
  • The remaining situations involve problems involving both the man and the woman or lack of a known cause.

Causes of male infertility

These may include:

  • Abnormal sperm production or functionVaricocele, or enlarged testicular veins, which can be brought on by undescended testicles, genetic flaws, medical conditions like diabetes, or infections like chlamydia, gonorrhea, mumps, or HIV, can also impair sperm quality.
  • Problems with the delivery of spermdue to structural issues, like a blockage in the testicle, sexual issues, like early ejaculation, genetic conditions, like cystic fibrosis, structural problems with the reproductive organs, like damage or injury, or diseases or injuries to the reproductive organs.
  • Overexposure to certain environmental factors,Cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, marijuana use, anabolic steroid use, and the use of drugs to treat bacterial infections, high blood pressure, and depression can all have an impact on fertility. Frequent exposure to heat, such as that found in saunas or hot tubs, can raise body temperature and may have an impact on sperm production.
  • Damage related to cancer and its treatment,Treatment for cancer can sometimes severely impair sperm production, including radiation or chemotherapy.

Causes of female infertility

Infertility in women may have several causes, such as:

  • Ovulation disorders,which affect the release of eggs from the ovaries, such as hormonal disorders like polycystic ovary syndrome, hyperprolactinemia, a condition in which you have too much prolactin — the hormone that stimulates breast milk production — may also interfere with ovulation, and either too much or too little thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism) can affect the menstrual cycle or cause infertility.
  • Uterine or cervical abnormalities,Noncancerous (benign) tumors in the uterine wall (uterine fibroids) may result in infertility by blocking the fallopian tubes or preventing a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus, among other conditions, such as abnormalities with the cervix, polyps in the uterus, or changes in the shape of the uterus.
  • Fallopian tube damage or blockage,This can result from pelvic inflammatory disease, which is usually brought on by a STI, endometriosis, or adhesions, and is frequently accompanied by inflammation of the fallopian tube (salpingitis).
  • Endometriosis,which happens when endometrial tissue protrudes from the uterus and may impact how the ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes work.
  • Primary ovarian insufficiency (early menopause),While the exact cause of early menopause is frequently unknown, a number of factors, such as immune system disorders, genetic conditions like Turner syndrome or carriers of Fragile X syndrome, radiation or chemotherapy treatment, and certain genetic conditions are all linked to the condition.
  • Pelvic adhesions,After surgery for the abdomen or pelvis, endometriosis, appendicitis, or pelvic infection, bands of scar tissue that bind the organs may develop.
  • Cancer and its treatment.Radiation and chemotherapy may have an impact on fertility, which is a common side effect of some cancers, especially reproductive cancers in women.

Risk factors

There are many common risk factors for infertility in both males and females, such as:

  • Age.Infertility in older women is likely caused by the lower number and quality of eggs, but can also be caused by health issues that affect fertility. Men over the age of 40 may be less fertile than younger men. Women’s fertility declines gradually with age, especially in the mid-30s, and it drops rapidly after the age of 37.
  • Tobacco use.Smoking can increase the risk of erectile dysfunction and low sperm count in men. Smoking can also decrease the effectiveness of fertility treatments. Smoking by either partner can decrease the likelihood of pregnancy. Smoking also increases the likelihood of miscarriages.
  • Alcohol use.Alcohol use may cause infertility in women and can reduce sperm count and motility in men. There is no safe level of alcohol consumption during conception or pregnancy.
  • Being overweight.Being overweight and living a sedentary lifestyle may increase the risk of infertility in American women, and for men, being overweight may have an impact on sperm count.
  • Being underweight.Women who have eating disorders, such as bulimia or anorexia, or who adhere to a very low-calorie or restrictive diet are at risk for having fertility issues.
  • Exercise issues.Less frequently, ovulation issues in women who are not overweight may be associated with frequent, intense, and strenuous exercise. Obesity increases the risk of infertility because it increases the metabolic rate, which is influenced by exercise.


Though some forms of infertility cannot be avoided, there are some methods that could improve chances of conception.


Ovulation usually happens in the middle of the cycle — halfway between menstrual periods — for most women with menstrual cycles about 28 days apart. For the highest pregnancy rate, have regular intercourse several times around the time of ovulation. Intercourse beginning at least five days before and until a day after ovulation improves your chances of getting pregnant.


Despite the fact that most male infertility issues cannot be avoided, the following measures could be helpful:

  • Avoid drug and tobacco use and drinking too much alcohol,that might be a factor in male infertility.
  • Avoid high temperatures found in hot tubs and hot baths,due to the fact that they might momentarily affect sperm motility and production.
  • Avoid exposure to industrial or environmental toxins,which may impact the generation of sperm.
  • Limit medications that may impact fertility,Talk to your doctor about any medications you regularly take, including both prescription and over-the-counter ones, but never stop taking prescription drugs without first consulting a doctor.
  • Exercise moderately.The likelihood of becoming pregnant may rise as a result of regular exercise improving sperm quality.


Several tactics for women may improve their chances of getting pregnant, including:

  • Quit smoking.If you smoke and are contemplating pregnancy, stop immediately because smoking has many detrimental effects on fertility, in addition to your general health and the health of a fetus.
  • Avoid alcohol and street drugs.Avoid drinking alcohol and using recreational drugs, such as marijuana, if you’re trying to conceive because they may affect your ability to conceive and have a healthy pregnancy.
  • Limit caffeine.Ask your doctor for advice on the appropriate use of caffeine if you’re planning on becoming pregnant.
  • Exercise moderately.While it’s important to exercise regularly, fertility may be impacted if you exercise so hard that your periods become rare or nonexistent.
  • Avoid weight extremes.Infertility can result from hormonal imbalances brought on by being overweight or underweight.

The primary method of constitutional homeopathic medicine administration used in the treatment of infertility in homeopathy is case-specific analysis that identifies the most appropriate medicines.

For Infertility in Women

For Infertility in Females due to Acid Vaginal Discharges:

BoraxandNatrum Phosare the best treatments for female infertility caused by acid vaginal discharges, and they include Borax, Natrum Phos, and others.

For Infertility in Females due to too Profuse or Prolonged Periods (menorrhagia):

For females with infertility due to heavy or protracted periods, two effective medications areCalcarea CarbandAletris Farinosa.The main symptoms for prescribing Aletris farinose are early and copious menses with infertility. Leucorrhea, anemia, weakness, tiredness, and fatigue may also persist with menorrhagia. Aletris Farinosa is also prescribed where a tendency for frequent abortions is present. Calcarea Carb is primarily used when a female with infertility has too profuse and too long lasting periods. The periods also appear before time.

For Infertility in Females with Short, Scanty Periods:

PulsatillaandSepiaare recommended for treating infertility in females who have short, scanty periods. Pulsatilla is a natural remedy for infertility in females who have experienced menstrual irregularities since their menarche. The menses always get delayed and never appear on the expected date. The menstrual discharge is also scanty and only lasts for a very short time. Pulsatilla also tops the list of medications for infertility in females who have PCOD. Next medicine Sep

For Infertility in Females with Decreased Sexual Desire:

Agnus CastusandSepiaamong these medications for infertility in females Agnus Castus is used when aversion to sex is present; excessive masturbation may be the cause of this; the genitals are also relaxed with transparent vaginal discharges; and the vagina may be excessively dry with pain during intercourse.

For Infertility in Females due to Non Retention of Sperms:

Among the many medications available to treat female infertility caused by sperm lossNatrum Carboccupies highest position. Natrum Carb is very effective for women who have sterility due to sperm not being retained, as well as for the presence of unpleasant and irritating vaginal discharges.

For Infertility in Males

For Infertility in Males with Erectile Dysfunction:

Homeopathic medicineAgnus CastusGenitals are relaxed, flaccid, and cold, and is picked up best when neither sexual desire nor physical ability exist.Caladium, which causes sexual desire but weak erections and relaxed genitals, is the best option for impotence coupled with mental depression.SeleniumSelenium helps with slow, weak erections with rapid emissions; involuntary semen discharges may also be present. Selenium is also the best treatment among the various drugs for male infertility caused by erectile dysfunction.

For Infertility in Males with Low Sperm Count:

X Raytops the list of treatments for male infertility caused by low sperm counts because it helps raise sperm counts and enhances sperm quality and quantity.

For Infertility in Males with Orchitis:

Coniumis the top medication on the list for males with orchitis who are unable to conceive, and it is effective when the testicles are enlarged, hard, and swollen, as well as when there has been a history of suppressed sexual desire.

For Infertility in Males with Wasting of Testes:

Sabal Serrulatais one of the best treatments for male infertility caused by testicular atrophy, as well as the ideal treatment for male infertility caused by enlarged prostate or prostatitis.

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