Homeopathy Medicine for Pericarditis



Sharp chest pain is a common symptom of pericarditis and is caused when the layers of the pericardium that are irritated rub against one another. Pericarditis is an inflammation and swelling of the pericardium, which is a thin saclike membrane that surrounds our hearts.

Pericarditis is classified as either acute (when symptoms appear suddenly and disappear quickly) or chronic (when symptoms appear gradually or last a long time).


  • center or left side of the chest, accompanied by a piercing pain that gets worse when you breathe in.
  • Shortness of breath
  • Heart palpitations
  • Low-grade fever
  • Feeling weak, worn out, or ill
  • Cough
  • Abdominal or leg swelling


In pericarditis, the two-layered pericardial sac that surrounds our hearts loses some of the lubricating fluid that it normally contains, causing friction that results in chest pain.

Either a viral infection or an idiopathic cause could be to blame.

Because the underlying, damaged heart muscle is irritated during a major heart attack, it can also materialize shortly afterward.

Pericarditis may also be brought on by:

Systemic inflammatory disorders.


Other health disorders.

Certain medications.


  • Constrictive pericarditis.Even though it’s rare, some pericarditis sufferers may experience chronic recurrences, long-term inflammation, and pericardial thickening, scarring, and contraction.
  • Cardiac tamponade.Cardiac tamponade is a dangerous condition that can arise from an excessive buildup of fluid in the pericardium.

Long-term complications are typically less likely when pericarditis is diagnosed and treated early.


1. By gathering medical information and requesting information about symptoms such as chest pain.

A pericardial rub, which is the sound that pericarditis makes when the pericardial layers rub against one another, is a characteristic sound that a doctor can identify by listening to the heart.

3. By undergoing tests to determine whether a heart attack has occurred, whether fluid has accumulated in the pericardial sac, or whether there are indications of inflammation. Blood tests will be performed to check for infections, either bacterial or other types.

The following additional diagnostic techniques

Electrocardiogram (ECG).

Chest X-ray.


Computerized tomography (CT).

Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Homeopathic Medicine:


1. Beneficial if there is a “Sensation as if the heart were grasped with an iron hand,” which clutches and releases alternately.

2. The heart feels as though it is being squeezed.

3. More than any other treatment, rheumatic carditis is also very helpful.

4. It helps control inflammation. It works well for symptoms like difficulty breathing, suffocation, fainting, violent palpitations, and the inability to lie down.


1. Excellent treatment for cardiac hypertrophy, especially when used after rheumatism that causes “numbness of the left arm” symptoms.

2. It is irregular, sporadic, and accompanied by sharp pains that travel from the chest to the scapula every third or fourth beat.

3. Effective treatment for cardiac issues brought on by the external application of rheumatism suppression.


1. Acute carditis and pericarditis are at the top of the list of uncomfortable heart-related affections.

2. The heart, the arm, the chest, and the spine are all affected by sharp pains that radiate from the heart to the back.

3. Also helpful for managing palpitations, which are made worse by any movement of the body or arms.

4. Specifically used for neuralgia and heart symptoms. Spigelia effectively treats the heart’s irregular and turbulent action.


1. Helpful for cardiac issues accompanied by tingling in the fingers and numbness in the left arm, which are both linked to heart problems.


It helps with cardiac congestion, which makes walking worse for people who experience anxiety, oppression, and palpitations. There are also episodes of severe pain.

Additionally effective for uncomplicated heart hypertrophy, pericarditis, and endocarditis with fever and inflammation-related heart disease

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