Homeopathy Medicine for Renal Colic


In addition to increased frequency of micturition, vomiting, shivering, sweating, pallor, and a small amount of collapse, the patient describes having severe paroxysms of lancinating pain that begin in one loin and radiate down to the testes or vulva in front of the thigh.RENAL COLIC.

Larger stones, which can cause renal colic if they block a ureter, the tube through which urine passes from the kidney to the bladder, can cause symptoms that may not be present in smaller stones.


  • severe discomfort in your lower abdomen or the area between your ribs and hips on one side of your body
  • stretching to your back or groin
  • nausea or vomiting

The waves of pain associated with renal colic can last anywhere between 20 and 60 minutes.

Urinary stone symptoms can also include:

  • pain when you urinate
  • Your pink, red, or brown urine may contain blood.
  • cloudy or foul-smelling urine
  • The urine in your body contains gravel, or tiny stones.
  • urgent need to urinate
  • urine output that is abnormally high or low
  • If you are ill, you may experience fever and chills.


When a stone becomes stuck in your urinary tract, usually in a ureter, it can cause severe pain by stretching and widening the area.

Your likelihood of developing urinary stones is affected by a few things, such as:

  • consuming a lot of foods like oxalate or protein, which can lead to the formation of stones
  • a genealogy of stones, either personal or familial
  • a lack of fluid intake or excessive fluid loss from perspiration, vomiting, or diarrhea that results in dehydration
  • obesity
  • By increasing the body’s ability to absorb calcium and other substances that cause stones, gastric bypass surgery
  • There are a number of illnesses like hyperparathyroidism, inherited diseases, and metabolic disorders that can raise your body’s level of substances that cause stones to form.
  • urinary tract infection


If urinary stones are not treated, complications like a urinary tract infection or kidney damage may result, while renal colic is a symptom of urinary stones and has no complications of its own.


Follow these precautions to avoid recurring urinary stones and renal colic:

  • Reduce your intake of soda, especially those that contain phosphoric acid, and aim for 8 to 10 glasses of water per day.
  • Reduce your consumption of salt.
  • Eggs, fish, and other foods containing animal protein should be avoided.
  • Eat less of the oxalate-rich foods that include rhubarb, spinach, and nuts.


Only small calculi can be removed by urinary flow; larger ones may require lithotripsy or surgical intervention. As such, investigate the size, shape, and content of the stone through x-ray, sonography, and biochemical evaluation before beginning the medical treatment of these suspected cases of renal colic with calculi.

Acute attack-specific treatment and interval-specific treatment are the two components of treatment.

The main goals of treating a renal colic attack are to alleviate the pain, nausea, and collapse symptoms.

Berberis vulgarishas a bubbling sensation in the area of the kidneys, frequent urination with the feeling that some urine is left behind, and pain that radiates from the kidneys to the bladder, along the ureter, and to the liver, stomach, and spleen, stopping breathing. The urine is thick, mucoid, bright red, turbid, yellow, or sandy.

Calcarea carbonicathe presence of white urinary sediment with milky urine that is occasionally bloody, an irritable bladder, renal colic, incontinence while walking, and urine that is dark brown, sour, foul, or has a strong odor.

Benzoicum acidumis recommended for cases of bedwetting, uric acid diathesis, and pains that suddenly change their location, as well as kidney insufficiency and an excess of uric acid that causes cystitis.

Lithium carbonicumhas a sore bladder, right kidney and ureter pain that matches uric acid diathesis, scanty urine with intense thirst, turbid urine with mucus, scanty and dark urine that is acidic and has sand deposits.

Sarsaparilla officinalishas pain descending from the right kidney, needs to urinate prior to menstruation, experiences severe pain after urinating, dribbles urine when seated, can only urinate while standing, and has tenesmus of the bladder.

Ocimum canumUse low potency in frequent doses to treat renal colic, which is characterized by violent vomiting, especially to the right, and urine that is thick, turbid, purulent, bloody, and highly acidic, causing the formation of spiky uric acid crystals.

Hedeoma pulegioidesis more effective for treating female urinary conditions. The pain is more along the left ureter, dragging it from the kidney to the bladder. The dull, burning pain over the left kidney. The burning irritation at the neck of the bladder, which makes it difficult to hold urine for more than a few minutes. It feels better by micturating.


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