Bjain Omeo Dysentry Drops 30ml


The World Health Organization (WHO) defines dysentery as any episode of diarrhea in which blood is present in loose, watery stools. Dysentery is spread among humans through contaminated food and water. Dysentery is linked to environmental conditions where poor sanitation is common. Once a person is infected, the infectious organism spreads throughout their body, causing inflammation of the intestines, particularly the colon.



0.06 ml of colchicum autumnale

0.06 ml of aloe socotrin

3x 0.06mg of mercury corrosive

0.06 ml of nux vomica

0.06 ml of colocynthis

3% vol/vol alcohol


• Vomiting,

• Bloody and mucous stools

the dysentery

Components’ actions:

• Colchicum autumnale: Known as “scrapings of intestines,” this herb is used to treat autumnal dysentery, which causes a lot of white sludge to be excreted in the bowel discharges.

• Aloe socotrina: Tenesmus and burning in the rectum and anus are symptoms of dysentery, which is characterized by frequent, painful, and mucus-filled stools.

• Mercurius corrosives: Dysentery and summer complaints of the intestinal canal, which occur from May to November. Tenesmus of the rectum, not >> by stool; incessant, persistent; stool that is hot, scanty, bloody, slimy, and offensive.

When the stools are thin, brownish, or contain blood and mucus, or when there is severe colic prior to the stools, nux vomica is helpful for dysentery. However, there is a cessation of all pain and tenesmus after the stools.

• Colocynthis: this condition occurs when a child has bloody, mucous stools that get worse after eating and drinking, along with the typical colic symptoms.

Container TypeBottle
Shelf LifeLong Duration
Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginIndia
Form FactorDrops
Suitable ForVeg / Vegetarian
Price₹ 119

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