Baidyanath Pushyanug Churna (60g) : Reduces the white discharges and Excessive Menstrual Bleeding.




82 (gms)


The dimensions are 5.9 by 5.9 by 10.

About Pushyanug Churna

The internal organs of women, such as the uterus and vagina, are among the most delicate parts of the body and are constantly subjected to intense pressure as a result of various types of working pressures. Pushyanug Churna is an Ayurvedic formulation that is indicated in Stri-rogadhikar or gynaecological conditions. It is cited in the Ayurvedic treatise Bhaishajya Ratnavali.

Ingredients of Pushyanug Churna

  • peltata patha cycle
  • Eugenia Jambolana, aka Jambu-bija Majja
  • a.m.r.a. b. j. m. j. mango
  • Bheda Pashan
  • Daruharidra
  • Cissampelos Ambasthaki pareira
  • Salmalia malabarica, also known as Mocharasa
  • Lajjalu
  • Nelumbo nucifera padma kesara, also known as Kamala
  • Crocus sativus, ‘Vahlika’ or ‘Kumkuma
  • Aconitum heterophyllum Ativisa
  • Musta
  • Bilva
  • Lodhra
  • Gairika
  • Katphala
  • Maricha
  • Draksha
  • Pterocarpus santalinus Rakta candana
  • Oroxylum indicum, also known as katvanga,
  • Antidysenteric Holarrhena Vatsaka (Kutaja)
  • Indian Hemidesmus Ananta
  • fruticosa Woodfordia dhataki
  • Glycyrrhiza glabra mulheti
  • Argania Terminalia Argania

Benefits of Pushyanug Churna


Pushyanug Churna is indicated for all female menstrual disorders involving obstruction in the artavasrotas (female reproductive channel), conditions involving excessive bleeding like metrorrhagia, fibroid, and endometriosis, drying up and reducing excess water stagnation with uterine tumors, ovarian cysts, and leucorrhoea, and regulating dysmenorrhoea due to high pitta and


Blood Conditions involving excessive bleeding, especially from the bowel and urinary system are astringed and rectified. It specifically focuses on rakta dhatu, and the reckless movement of blood flooding out of its channel is addressed by reducing the stagnation that is causing it. Pushyanug Churna is indicated with a restless fetus and mid-term bleeding. It is also of great benefit post-partum to astringe the uterus muscles and


It specifically targets rakta dhatu, and the reckless movement of blood flooding out of its channel is addressed by reducing the stagnation that is causing the over-flow. The blood nourishing action of the herbs helps to treat anemia. As a vasoconstrictor, it tonifies the capillaries and aids the relaxation-contraction cycle in the capillary beds. Conditions involving excess bleeding, especially from the bowel and urinary system, are astringed and rectified


Pain and uterine spasms brought on by nervous system irritations are relieved.

Dosage of Pushyanug Churna

14 to 1/2 tea spoonful, 1-3 gm, or as prescribed by a doctor, should be taken twice daily with honey or rice water before meals.

Side Effects of Pushyanug Churna

  • Menstrual irregularities may occur if this medication is used excessively or for a very long time.
  • When there is a lot of discharge or menstrual bleeding, this medication should be taken.

Terms and Conditions

Before purchasing this medication, we have assumed that you sought medical advice and are not using it for self-medication.

Remedy TypeAyurvedic
Country of OriginIndia
Form FactorChurna
For Use ByWomen / Female
Price₹ 55

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