Bio India Lymph Drops (30ml) : For swollen lymph nodes, Lymphoedema


Bio-India’s Lymph Drops-35

provides support for the system’s drainage while relieving conditions characterized by swollen lymph nodes and lymphatic oedema.

Other name: Lymph Drops Complex 35

Indications of Complex Lymph Drops-35 (Bio-India’s Lymph Drops-35)

lymph node swelling, lymphoedema, and lymphatic edema are all related terms.

Mode of Action of Ingredients in Complex Lymph Drops-35 (Bio-India’s Lymph Drops-35)

Abrotanum: Cold, damp, rheumatism, and lymphatic inflammations with chronic fever

Mercurius solubilis: Tenesums and mucous membrane disorders of the phyranx, anus, urethra, and intestine that are aggravated at night, as well as heavy, viscous perspiration,

Sulphur: Symptoms of suppressions include reactions, burning pain, venous congestion, heartburn, itching, a tendency to sweat and have diarrhea, which are made worse by cold and water.

Vipera berus: Cold sweats, cyanosis, poor circulation, fear, and recurrent complaints

Dosage of Complex Lymph Drops – 35(Bio-India’s Lymph Drops-35)

Unless your doctor instructs you otherwise, take 10 drops twice daily for prophylaxis and 20 drops diluted in water three times a day.

BrandBio-India Pharma
Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginIndia
Form FactorDrops
Price₹ 150

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