Homeopathy Medicine for Chalazion


A meibomian cyst, also known as an eyelid cyst, is a red bump that develops over time on our eyelid and is known as a chalazion.


  • A chalazion first manifests as a tiny area of the eyelid that is red or otherwise inflamed.
  • This inflammation may transform into a painless lump that grows slowly after a few days.
  • The upper eyelid is where chalazion most frequently develops, though they can also occur on the lower lid.
  • A particularly large chalazion may press on the eyeball, which can cause blurred vision. Although chalazia are typically painless, they can make the eye watery and mildly irritated.

A stye is a small lump that can also form around the eyes, and because of their similar appearances, chalazion and stye are sometimes mistaken for one another.

While a chalazion is caused by a blocked oil gland, a stye is caused by an infected oil gland or hair follicle, though a chalazion can occasionally turn into a stye.


  • External hordeolum-These typically result from a hair follicle infection and appear at the base of the eyelash.
  • Internal hordeolum-These typically result from an oil gland infection and develop inside the eyelid.

The primary distinction between a chalazion and a stye is that the former is typically painless, whereas the latter is frequently excruciatingly painful and may result in scratchy, sore eyes.

The following are additional stye symptoms:

  • Swelling of the eyelid
  • Small zit that might be filled with pus
  • Crumbling along the eyelid’s edge
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Watery eye


People who have underlying inflammatory eye or skin conditions are more likely to develop chalazion than those without them.

  • Chronic blepharitis
  • Acne rosacea
  • Seborrheic dermatitis

Viral conjunctivitis, a specific kind of eye infection, less frequently causes chalazia to form.


A person’s likelihood of later developing chalazia is higher if they have ever had a stye or chalazion.

The following are additional chalazion risk factors:

  • Viral infections
  • Tuberculosis
  • Skin cancer
  • Diabetes


SILICEA :Useful for encrusted tumors of the lids. Helpful in all conditions like suppurative processes, pustulous borrowings, fistulous openings, and abscesses are stubborn. Suitable for chilly patients. Useful for chalazion that appear after adverse vaccination effects.

STAPHYSAGRIA :helpful for chalazion, a condition marked by bursting and burning pain in the eyelids and eyeballs as well as itchiness along the eyelid margins.

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