The symptoms of asthma include coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath as a result of your airways becoming narrowed, swollen, and overflowing with mucus.

When it comes to daily activities and the potential for life-threatening asthma attacks, some people’s asthma is a minor annoyance, while for others it can be a serious issue.

Although the exact cause of why some people develop asthma while others do not is unknown, it is most likely a result of a combination of environmental and genetic (inherited) factors.

Asthma triggers

The signs and symptoms of asthma can be brought on by exposure to a variety of irritants and substances that cause allergies (allergens), which vary from person to person and can include:

Pollen, dust mites, mold spores, pet dander, and cockroach waste are examples of airborne contaminants.

Infections of the respiratory system, like the common cold

· Physical activity (exercise-induced asthma)

· Cold air

Air irritants like smoke and pollutants

Some drugs, such as beta blockers, aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, and other brands), and naproxen (Aleve),

· Strong emotions and stress

Shrimp, dried fruit, processed potatoes, beer, and wine are just a few examples of the foods and beverages that have sulfites and preservatives added to them.

GERD, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease, causes stomach acids to reflux into your throat.

SymptomsYou may have infrequent asthma attacks, experience symptoms only occasionally (like when you exercise), or experience symptoms constantly.

Asthma signs and symptoms include:

· Shortness of breath

· Chest tightness or pain

Sleep issues brought on by coughing, wheezing, or shortness of breath

wheezing, which is a common symptom of asthma in children, when exhaling

Coughing or wheezing episodes exacerbated by a respiratory virus, such as the flu or a cold

Here are some indicators that your asthma may be getting worse:

Increased frequency and discomfort of asthma symptoms

a rise in breathing difficulty (measurable with a peak flow meter, a tool for evaluating the health of your lungs)

The requirement for more frequent use of a quick-relief inhaler

Some people experience flare-ups of their asthma symptoms and signs in particular circumstances:

·Exercise-induced asthma,which could possibly worsen if the air was cold and dry.

·Occupational asthma,aggravated at work by irritants like dust, gases, or chemical fumes

·Allergy-induced asthma,triggered by airborne irritants like pollen, mold spores, cockroach droppings, or dried saliva and skin fragments from pets (pet dander).


There are many effective medicines available in homoeopathy for treating asthma, but the choice depends on the patient’s individuality, taking into account both mental and physical symptoms. Homoeopathy is a rapidly expanding system that is practiced all over the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical levels.

ARSENIC ALB. 30-It is recommended when attacks are frequent at night (midnight and after), accompanied by great restlessness and fear of suffocating when lying down. Homeopathic Medicine Arsenic Album is one of the best homeopathic remedies for all forms of asthma. It is helpful both in the acute phase and the chronic state. This homeopathic medication is a deep-acting and is necessary for those patients who have asthma and are very sensitive to cold, having a personal or family hist.

SAMBUCUS 30-One of the main homeopathic treatments for asthma in children is sambuccus, which is used when the attacks start suddenly at night and the child turns blue, gasps for air, and appears to be on the verge of death. Then the child falls asleep and wakes up with another attack.

It is indicated for attacks that are likely to return in winter and is helpful in bronchial asthmatic breathing. **KALI BICHROMICUM- 30 **is a homeopathic remedy for asthma when attacks occur after midnight (between 3 and 4 a.m.). Relief is obtained from sitting up and bending forward, as well as from the expectoration of stringy mucus.

NATRUM SULPH 30One of the most crucial homeopathic remedies for treating chronic asthma is NatrumSulph. This remedy is frequently requested for treating asthma in children. It is especially helpful when asthma is hereditary. Often, asthma that gets worse in humid weather and dampness, requires this homeopathic medicine NatrumSulph. Wheezing is a very important symptom for Homeopathic remedy NatrumSulph to be used.

Blatta acts better in lower potencies for acute cases—mother tincture to 3x—than in higher potencies for chronic cases—200 to 1000. It is more suitable for obese people. Patient gets worse in rainy weather. Cough has lots of pus-like mucus. Stop taking the medication when improvement is noticed.

CASSIA SOPHERA Q-Dyspnea that is worse in the winter, throat rattling without phlegmatic expulsion, hoarseness of voice, chest pain from coughing, itching associated with asthma, and worsening after exposure to dust, cold drinks, light, exertion, smoke, and morning.

ANTIMONIUM TART.30Antimonium tart is more appropriate for elderly individuals and young children. It is prescribed when asthma occurs with rattling. There is rattling cough as if the chest is full of loose mucous, but there is little expectoration of mucous. The cough is triggered by eating. There is a burning sensation in the chest, and in some cases, there is a feeling of something velvety inside the chest. This burning sensation ascends to the throat. The breathlessness is relieved.

GRINDELIA ROB. QAn effective treatment for wheezing and oppression. Unable to breathe when lying down. Must sit up to breathe. Foamy mucus that is difficult to remove.

IPECAC 30– Asthma in children. Child becomes stiff and blue in the face. Chest seems full of phlegm but does not come out when coughed. Nausea may or may not be present. Use of this remedy also helps to treat attacks that happen early.

NUX VOMICA 30Nux vomica, for difficult breathing associated with a feeling of fullness and heaviness in the stomach, especially manifested after a major meal, is an effective treatment for asthma with gastric complaints. The symptoms are made worse after the meal, in the morning, and are increased by cold air. Belching relieves the symptoms of asthma. It is occasionally helpful in difficult breathing arising from gastric disturbance.

ASPIDOSPERMA QGive a few drop doses of aspidosperma until the feeling of being out of breath has passed. Aspidosperma is a medicine that is considered a tonic for the lungs. It works by temporarily removing a blockage in blood oxidation by stimulating respiratory centers.

**CARBO VEG 30-**Carbo veg is prescribed when there is significant abdominal discomfort and flatulence. It also corresponds to asthma in elderly people who are severely handicapped and struggling to breathe.

JUSTISIA ADHATODA QAsthma symptoms include constricting pain across the chest, cough associated with haemoptysis after severe dyspnea, expectoration that is yellow in color, complaints that are worse when lying on the left side, a dry cough and hoarseness of voice that is associated with sneezing, inability to tolerate a closed, warm environment, and fever. During fever, the patient may feel chilled in the evening and sweaty at night.

KALI CARB 30When asthma attacks happen between 3 and 5 in the morning, expectoration is scant, tenacious, and unpleasant, and wheezing improves in warm weather, kali carb is prescribed.

When there is a lot of difficulty breathing, hoarseness, pain and soreness in the chest and breast, an ongoing, dry cough at night, or asthma that is relieved by lying on one’s knees and elbows, dorhinum (200 mg) is recommended.

BOERHAAVIA DIFFUSA Q– Asthma: Coryza with a dry cough and a thick, white discharge

LEUCAS ASPERA Q– Asthma, cough and sneezing

OCIMUM SANCTUM Q– The patient can’t lie down in bed when they have asthma, and they experience pain in the middle of their sternum when they cough.

SOLANUM XANTHOCARPUM Q– Burning pain all over the body, fever, thirst, and hoarseness of voice are all symptoms of asthma, along with pain in the chest and an aversion to food.

TYLOPHORA INDICA Q– A targeted treatment for bronchial asthma

IPECAC AND ARSENIC ALB 30Alternate every two hours in the event that the modalities are unclear.

BLATTA ORIENTALIS Q AND GRIENDELIA Q– Every 30 minutes, switch every time there is a difficult case.

KALI PHOS 3X AND MAGNESIA PHOS 3X— Alternate Kaliphos and Magnesium phos every 30 minutes for spasmodic asthma without mucus.

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