Homeopathic Remedies for Acute Catarrh


Acute Catarrh

Cold may affect the nose and cause running from it; it may affect the nose and throat and be associated with fever. The picture of a common attack of cold is this; after some preliminary loss of appetite and feeling of out-of-sorts, the eyes become congested and begin to water; the nose runs; the soft palate smarts; the throat gets dry or trickled and there is a constant desire to hawk or spit or swallow; the voice becomes hoarse; headache, vertigo, slight rise of temperature, pain all over the body are the other symptoms.


Spt. Camphor (in early stage)—Slight chill and feverishness; yawning; a desire to stretch the limbs; burning sensation in the eyes that water; hot breath; sneezing; dry skin; headache; intense thirst; cold, due to exposure to cold wind; thin discharges.

Bryonia 3x, 6, 30-Burning sensation and inflammation of mucous membrane and wind-pipe; hawking cough with scanty phlegm; nostrils feel stuffed up; running from eyes; deranged stomach; stitching pain in the sides.

Nux Vomica 3. —Blocking of one nostril at night.

Gelsemium 3x-Fever ushered in with a cold shiver along the spine; heat in the head precedes fever; thirst, headache, flushed face, watery eyes; pulse full and quick; pain in throat; voice hoarse; cough.

Ars. Alb. 3x-6—Profuse hot, acrid discharges; frequent sneezing; watering eyes; much malaise; sleepiness; affection simultaneously of eyes, nose and throat.

Puls. 3, 6, 30 (useful when phlegm is purulent): — Foetid discharges from nose; intense pain in ear and side of head; heaviness of head; hot breathe; aggravation of trouble at night; loss of taste, smell and sensations.

Merc. 6— Pain and ulceration in nose and throat; sneezing; thick, yellow, purulent discharges; alternate chill and heat; inflammation of the eyes; enlargement of neck- glands; aggravation of disease at night. Ipecac. 3x-6. Frequent sneezing; profuse mucous discharge, with nausea or vomiting.

Allium Cepa 1x-6—Frequent sneezing; profuse watery discharge from eyes, as if they were raw.

Kali Bichrom. 6: —Phlegm is thick and purulent, voice hoarse, stingy muscus, pain in throat.

Natrum Mur. 30: —Watery discharge from nose; appearance of vesicles on body.

Calcarea Carb. 30: —Ulceration and mucous discharge from nostrils.

Studiously keep out of chill. Be warmly clad. Take a foot-bath before retiring. Take liquid diets when there is fever.

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