
Insufficient moisture causes dry hair, which can affect both men and women of any age. It reduces your hair’s sheen and can make it look frizzy, lifeless, and dull.

Your hair has three layers, the outermost of which serves to protect the inner layers while reflecting light thanks to natural oils in healthy hair. In cases of dry hair, the outer layer degrades, giving the appearance of dullness and unhealthy hair.

Causes of Dry Hair

Environmental factors that may contribute to dry hair include living in a dry, hot climate, spending a lot of time in the sun, and regularly swimming in chlorinated water. Hair care practices and your physical health can also contribute to dry hair.

The over-washing of your hair, the use of harsh shampoos and conditioners, the frequent use of chemical treatments, the daily blow-drying of your hair, and the use of electric curling irons or straighteners are some other hair-care habits that can cause dry hair.

Some health conditions, like the ones listed below, can cause your hair to become dry because they make it difficult for your hair to retain moisture.

Anorexia nervosa

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that involves self-starvation; it can result in malnutrition; one of the many side effects of anorexia and malnutrition is dry, brittle hair; people with this condition are typically underweight and have a severe fear of gaining weight.


Calcium is a vital nutrient for strong bones, teeth, tissue, and hair, and this condition makes the parathyroid gland in your neck produce too little parathyroid hormone, causing calcium levels in your blood to drop.


Hair that is dry and brittle is an early sign of hypothyroidism, which is a condition in which your thyroid glands do not produce enough thyroid hormones.

Menkes Kinky Hair Disease

Low copper absorption affects the health of a person’s hair and can result in dryness in people with this uncommon genetic condition, as their cells are unable to absorb enough copper.


Borax is very helpful in smoothening the hair and is of great assistance to those who get rid of these bunches of tangled hair by cutting them, only to see another bunch being formed shortly after.

PHOSPHORUS 30Phosphorus is the best treatment for dry hair, especially at the roots, and it works wonders when the scalp is also extremely dry and scaly. Phosphorus also works wonders when there is a lot of hair fall as a result of extremely dry hair at the roots.

THUJA OCC. 30Thuja is a wonderful remedy for dry hair that is brittle from extreme dryness and shows split ends and looks crimped; it can also be used when the hair is rough and lacks shine. In all these conditions, Thuja ensures a wonderful recovery by nourishing the scalp and strengthening the hair, which stops the progression of split ends in dry hair.

The scalp must be extremely unhealthy with dry, lustreless hair, as well as dry and itchy scalp, and the hair may also stick together forming tangles. Any of these Homeopathic remedies can improve a person’s scalp and hair when they exhibit these conditions by penetrating deeply into the root cause.

NATRUM MUR 30The best treatment for dry hair and hair loss is natrum mur. People who use natrum mur are typically reserved, have a tendency to cry easily, dislike the heat of the sun, and may also have an appetite for extra salt in their diet. Anemia may also be one of the constitutional symptoms for using natrum mur.

LYCOPODIUM 200Lycopodium is best for people who have an excessive sweet tooth and a preference for hot food or beverages, who are irritable by nature and cannot stand conflict or opposition, and who may also have endured years of gastric problems of any kind. – Lycopodium, is also good for dry hair with hair fall.

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