Homeopathy Medicine for Nasal Polyps


Small, sac-like growths on the nose called nasal polyps are caused by inflamed nasal mucosa tissue.


Large nasal polyps may block the airway as they develop from their starting point close to the ethmoid sinuses, which are situated at the top of the inside of the nose.

People may be more susceptible to developing nasal polyps if they have any of the following conditions.

  • Asthma
  • Chronic sinus infections
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Hay fever (allergic rhinitis)
  • Nasal polyps are present in approximately one in four cystic fibrosis patients.

Immune deficiency

IgA deficiency, which affects 1 in 300 people, is the most prevalent immune deficiency; it is the immune protein that aids in protecting the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts from infections.


  • Blocked nose.
  • Frequent sinus infections.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • The patient uses their mouths to breathe.
  • Thick nasal discharge.
  • Post nasal drainage is the term for this type of drainage.
  • forehead and facial area tenderness and pain
  • Heavy snoring at night.
  • a reduction in taste and smell perception.
  • Frequent nose bleeds


Allergy skin testing :It is important to test and treat all chronic sinus patients for immediate sensitivity to environmental allergens because it can be challenging to differentiate between allergic and non-allergic patients solely based on clinical criteria.

Nasal Endoscopy :However, in some cases the inflammation is limited to the sinus cavities themselves, which cannot be directly viewed unless someone has already had nasal surgery to open the passages. Usually, a direct look in the nose identifies many things such as anatomic causes of sinusitis, sinus drainage, or nasal polyps.

Sinus CAT scan :The CAT scan is the gold standard test for the diagnosis of sinusitis; however, it does not exclude a nasal source of sinus pain if there is no swelling within the sinus passages on the scan.

CBC :Eosinophilia in the peripheral blood and nasal polyp eosinophilia are related, but elevated serum IgE is not.


Given when post-nasal discharges are primarily of a thick, ropy, and viscid nature. Very helpful for nasal polyps connected to chronic sinusitis. Chronic nasal catarrh and when the nasal discharges are of a thick, yellowish green, tough, viscid character.

CALCAREA CARB :Useful for nasal polyps for left sided nasal polyps with blocked polyp, fetid yellow discharge from the nose, as well as soreness and an ulcerated sensation in the nose. Useful for offensive odor in the nose with significant swelling at the root of the nose. Suited to individuals who are prone to colds.

SANGUINERIA CAN :Useful for nasal polyps with right sided headache. There is persistent, profuse nasal discharge. Nasal membranes are swollen and congested.

TEUCRIUM :Useful for crawling sensation in nose, useful when sense of smell is lost, useful when large offensive crusts may pass from nose, given when hawking of mucus from throat also appears along with, this medication is well indicated for post nasal polyps with obstruction of nose on the side lain.

PHOSPHORUS :When there is sneezing, nasal blockage, and loss of smell along with polyps, there is also marked coryza with alternation between dry and watery coryza. This is useful for nasal polyps that bleed easily.

RL 14

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