Before the age of 7, bed-wetting is typically not a cause for concern because your child may still be developing nighttime bladder control. Bed-wetting is also known as nighttime incontinence or nocturnal enuresis.

Bladder training, moisture alarms, or medication may lessen bed-wetting if the issue persists; however, these measures should only be used as a last resort.

There are many potential contributing factors to bedwetting, but no one is certain what causes it.

A small bladder.It’s possible that the bladder of your child is still developing and is unable to store nighttime urine.

Inability to recognize a full bladder.A full bladder might not wake your child if the bladder’s control nerves take a while to develop, especially if your child has a deep sleep cycle.

A hormone imbalance.Some children don’t make enough anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) when they are young, which makes it harder for them to stop urinating at night.

Stress.Bed-wetting can be brought on by stressful situations like starting a new school, becoming a big brother or sister, or staying away from home.

Urinary tract infection.Bed-wetting, daytime accidents, frequent urination, red or pink urine, and pain while urinating are just a few of the signs and symptoms that this infection may make it difficult for your child to control their urination.

Sleep apnea.Other signs and symptoms may include snoring, frequent ear and sinus infections, sore throat, or daytime sleepiness. Sometimes bed-wetting is a sign of obstructive sleep apnea, a condition where the child’s breathing is interrupted during sleep — often due to inflamed or enlarged tonsils or adenoids.

Diabetes.Bedwetting may be the first sign of diabetes in a child who usually sleeps dry, along with other symptoms like passing a lot of urine at once, increased thirst, fatigue, and weight loss despite a healthy appetite.

Chronic constipation.Since urine and stool elimination are controlled by the same muscles, long-term constipation may cause these muscles to malfunction and increase the likelihood of nighttime bedwetting.

A structural problem in the urinary tract or nervous system.Rarely is bedwetting linked to a neurological or urogenital defect in the child.

SymptomsAfter the age when it is reasonable to expect a child to stay dry at night, bed-wetting refers to the involuntary urination that occurs while the child is asleep.

There is really no target age for achieving full bladder control, but most children are toilet trained by the time they are five. Between the ages of five and seven, bed-wetting is still a problem for some kids. After seven years of age, a small percentage of kids still wet the bed.

Bed-wetting risk has been linked to a number of factors, including:

Being male.Although it can happen to anyone, boys are twice as likely as girls to wet the bed.

Family history.A child has a very high likelihood of wetting the bed if one or both of their parents did so as infants.

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).Children with ADHD are more likely to experience bedwetting.

Bed-wetting without a physical cause doesn’t endanger your child’s health, but it can cause a number of problems for your child, such as:

Guilt and humiliation, which can result in a low sense of self-worth

The absence of social opportunities like sleepovers and summer camp

Child genital and bottom rashes, particularly if your child sleeps in wet underwear


Effective and side-effect-free treatments for bedwetting issues are available with carefully chosen homoeopathic remedies.

KREOSOTUM 30One of the most commonly prescribed medications for bed wetting is kreosotum. The child has trouble waking up from a deep sleep where bed wetting occurs in the first stage of sleep and is accompanied by dreams of urinating in urinals.

EQUISETUM 30Another successful treatment for bedwetting in cases where the urination is painful is equisetum.

Other than habit, there is no known reason why the child wet their bed or pants.

CAUSTICUM 30The use of causticum is advised when children wet their pants as a result of coughing, sneezing, or even laughing. The condition is worse in the winter and improves in the summer.

CINA 30Due to the presence of worms in kids, Cina is best for bedwetting.

BENZOIC ACID 30– When a child wets the bed repeatedly while they are sleeping and the urine has a strong odor and a low specific gravity, benzoic acid is recommended.

MEDORRHINUM 200-Medorrhinum is recommended as a general treatment for bedwetting, passing copious amounts of urine that is pale in color and has a strong pungent odor.

SEPIA 200– Sepia is a second effective treatment that is better suited to yellow sickly girls. It is specifically used when a child wets the bed during the first sleep or passes urine within two hours of going to bed.

Sulphur is best for wed wetting, and it’s present in pale, lean kids with big stomachs who love sugar and highly spiced food. Sulphur 200-** Children with sulfur rush to the bathroom when there’s a sudden call.

PSORINUM 200-Bedwetting that has been suppressed due to eczema, eruptions, or after an acute serious illness is treated with psorinum as an intercurrent remedy when well-chosen treatments have failed.

CALCAREA CARB. 200-Children who are overweight and chubby who eat dirt and other indigestible objects tend to wet the bed, so caregivera carb is prescribed for them.

PULSATILLA NIG. 30Girls from Pulsatilla are poor sleepers and overeaters, and they wet the bed after getting the measles.

VERBASCUM THAPS. QVerbascum is useful for treating bedwetting that has persisted despite treatment.

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