Essential tremor is a neurological disorder of the nervous system that causes rhythmic, involuntary shaking of almost any part of the body, but it most frequently affects the hands, especially when performing simple tasks like tying shoelaces or drinking from a glass.

Even though it’s sometimes mistaken for Parkinson’s disease, other conditions don’t cause essential tremor, which usually doesn’t pose a threat to health but can become severe in some people.

Any age can experience essential tremor, but people over the age of 40 are most likely to experience it.

CausesIt is unclear what causes essential tremor in people without a known genetic mutation, but approximately half of cases of familial tremor appear to be caused by a genetic mutation, although a specific gene has not been identified.

Essential symptoms and signs of tremor include:

Start slowly, typically on one side of the body.

· Worsen with movement

Typically affect one or both of the hands first, one hand in particular.

Including head movements such as “yes-yes” or “no-no”

Can be made worse by extremes in temperature, caffeine, or emotional stress.

The following are known risk factors for essential tremor:

Genetic mutation.A defective gene from just one parent is required to pass on the inherited form of essential tremor, also known as familial tremor.

There is a 50% chance that you will also develop essential tremor if one of your parents carries the genetic mutation.

Age.People over the age of 40 are more likely to have essential tremor.

Essential tremor doesn’t pose a life-threatening risk, but complications can develop as symptoms deteriorate over time.

Holding a glass or cup without spilling it

· Eat normally

Shave or apply makeup.

If you have a sore throat or tongue, speak up.

· Write legibly


To control tremors safely and without any negative side effects, use carefully chosen homoeopathic remedies.

LOLIUM TEMULENTUM 30—Lolium temulentum is thought to be a specific treatment for hand and finger tremors, which make it difficult for the patient to write or hold a glass of water.

GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS 200– Gelsemium is one of the best treatments for essential tremor with weakness and paralysis. There is a loss of the ability to control the muscles. There is excessive trembling and weakness of all the muscles. There is a lack of coordination of the muscles. The muscles refuse to obey the will. The mind is sluggish and there is profound dullness and drowsiness. There is a staggering gait due to a lack of coordination of the muscles. The complaints

**AGARICUS MUSCARIUS 200-**Agaricus is another effective treatment for essential paralysis, especially of the hands when writing. Other symptoms include stiffness in the affected area, tremor in the head and tongue, jerking of the affected part, trembling, itching, and extreme sensitivity of the skin over the affected area, as well as extreme itchiness and sensitivity of the skin.

COCCULUS INDICUS 200Another effective treatment for essential hand tremor brought on by nervous weakness is occulus. The hands tremble when raised higher and when eating or writing.

LATHYRUS SATIVUS 200-Lathyrus is prescribed when there are tremors in the hands caused by low nerve power and paralytic weakness in the lower limbs, as well as reflexes that are always heightened and slow finger and toe movement.

PHOSPHORUS 200Phosphorus is best for essential tremor, and it is best suited to tall and slender people. The person can hardly hold anything with his hands because of excessive shaking. There is numbness along the arm and hands. There is weakness and trembling from every exertion. There is a feeling of formication in hands. Phosphorus patients are extremely sensitive to external impressions like touch, noise, odors, and noise. They prefer cold drinks, ice cream,

AMBRA GRESIA 200The patient drops the items he is carrying, there are cramps and numbness in the hands and fingers, and ambra gresia is a great remedy for trembling in isolated body parts like the hands, arms, and other parts of the body due to aging.

PLUMBUM METALLICUM 200Plumbum met, which is also a good treatment for wrist drop, is another effective treatment for tremor brought on by painless lameness of the hands and arms and weakness in the arms.

SILICEA 200-Silicea is best for tremors that are essential to daily activities involving the hands, such as eating, writing, or holding objects. Silicea patients experience great difficulty even threading a needle due to hand tremors. Silicea patients also exhibit sensitive, irritable, loss of confidence, and headstrong personalities. Silicea patients also have excessive foot sweat, which is offensive, and their complaints are all made worse by cold temperatures or even a slight breeze.

ZINCUM METALLICUM 200Zincum met is good for involuntary motion of the head, which causes the head to shake from side to side. Zincum met is also good for restless legs, where the feet are constantly moving and cannot be kept still.

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