Homeopathy Medicine for Hysteria


A psychoneurosis that exhibits a wide range of symptoms and is characterized by increased imperssionability and a lack of self control.


The Greek word for uterus is where the word “hysteria” comes from.hysteraThe earliest known instance of hysteria was documented by the Egyptians in 1900 B.C. when they wrote about behavioral abnormalities in adult women on medical papyrus and named the condition hysteria after the wandering uterus they thought was to blame.


Heaviness in the Limbs, Cramps

The symptoms of hysteria include:

  • heaviness in the limbs,
  • severe cramps,
  • a sharp sensation of ascending abdominal tightness,
  • continual sighing,
  • difficulty in breathing,
  • constriction in the chest,
  • palpitations,
  • feeling of having something foreign in one’s throat
  • the jugular veins and neck are swollen,
  • suffocation,
  • headache,
  • clenched teeth, and
  • muscles used for movement are tensed broadly and voluntarily.

Wild Painful Cries, Loss of Consciousness

In severe cases, additional symptoms are noticeable; these may include:

  • wild and painful cries,
  • incomplete loss of consciousness,
  • an enormously swollen neck,
  • violent and tumultuous heartbeats,
  • involuntary locomotor muscle contraction,
  • frightening generalized convulsions,
  • violent movement,
  • When someone is experiencing hysteria, their neck veins frequently become prominent.
  • Even though you might want to sob in despair, you frequently feel like you can’t, which increases your anxiety and fear and does nothing to help.

Weakness, Emotional Instability

The physical symptoms include:

  • a lack of determination,
  • the need for compassion and love,
  • a propensity for instability in one’s emotions.
  • A patient in a trance may appear to be in a deep sleep, but the muscles are typically not relaxed. Hysterical trances may last for days or weeks.
  • For people with hysteria disease, emotional instability and willpower weakness can become very dangerous because they make them more likely to have irrational, depressive thoughts that lead them to make irreversible decisions.

Causes– Sexual repression, perverse thought patterns, and idleness are the three most common causes of hysteria. **Hereditary factors play a significant role in its development, as do a tense upbringing and poor emotional development in childhood.

The emotional situations may be mental, strain, stress, fear, worry, depression, traumatism, masturbation, and prolonged sickness.

Being able to manage your stress is extremely helpful in dealing with hysteria and other anxiety-related conditions. The pressures of work are typically carried home, where life is made miserable for everyone in the household.Anxiety being the primary among all the causes of hysteria,Hysteria diagnosis cannot be made by simply looking at a person who is experiencing a hysterical moment; rather, it would require specific medical testing to be carried out before a diagnosis was made. People who are likely suffering from the condition should be advised to avoid highly stressful situations.


Ignatia is a powerful homoeopathic treatment for Lagrande nevrose. Its provings show that it is a hysterical treatment.CuprumFear and grief are prominent symptoms of Ignatia’s hysteria; it is a long-suffering grief and the patient is made worse by the constant nursing of it. Another interesting and, one might say, hysterical point about Ignatia is the numerous contradictory items found in its pathogenesis. thus, we have headache relieved by stooping, soreness of the teeth better by eating, sore throat better by sneezing.

Asafoetida – Asafoetida has several prominent symptoms, including the globus hystericus, or the sensation of a ball in the throat, which is one of the characteristics of hysteria.

Asafoetida, Cocculus, Ignatia, or Nux moschata may be recommended, but in most cases, Moschus will be the best option. It is especially the remedy for the paroxysm.

Tarentula-The Tarentula Hispana, not the Tarentual Cubensis, which is the carbuncle remedy, but the Spanish spider, is one of the most notable animal homeopathic medicines for hysteria — and they are all great producers of nervous symptoms — in the production of symptoms simulating hysteria.

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