Teenage suicide has become a growing concern in our society, and it is shocking to read about it in the newspapers almost every day. What causes these young minds to make such a big decision? Is it the fast pace of modern life? Stress? Depression? Loneliness? Peer pressure? Exam and study-related anxiety? Problems with parents? An inability to cope with life? Or all of the above? Most students today acknowledge having suicidal thoughts.

Because of their mental health issues, many teenagers who attempt or die by suicide struggle to deal with the pressures of adolescence, such as dealing with rejection, failure, breakups, and family strife. They may also be unable to see that they can change their lives, and that suicide is a long-term response, not a solution, to a transient problem.

Teens go through a vulnerable time in their lives at this time, and no matter how small or big their problems, they may feel unbearable or overwhelming. Noticable behavioral changes, such as withdrawal from friends and family or violent and aggressive behavior, are among the many signs of potential teen suicide, but parents and mental health care professionals also need to be aware of these warning signs.

Major Disappointment

The National Alliance on Mental Illness, or NAMI, notes that while these circumstances alone may not be the cause of a teen’s suicide, they are factors that contribute to a teen’s taking extreme measures. Suffering through a major disappointment such as rejection, loss of a boyfriend or girlfriend, failure at school or in sports may trigger suicidal tendencies in teens, who have difficulty coping with these kinds of situations.


Teens may have to deal with parental divorce, moving in with a new family, living in a new location, or attending a different school; in some cases, teens may be victims of physical or sexual abuse. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, these are unsettling matters that intensify unsure feelings such as distress, anxiety, or depression in many teens.


According to Kids Health, depression, a mental illness that can result in feelings of hopelessness and unworthiness, is a major factor in suicide that can strike during the teenage years. Depression can be especially dangerous for teenagers who experience violence at home or at school, feel isolated from their peers, or lack a social network of friends.

Substance Abuse

Like adults who use alcohol or drugs, teens may believe that substance abuse will bring them relief from surrounding difficulties, but it only makes the problems worse, according to Kids Health, and substance abuse and mental disorders play prominent roles in the majority of suicides. Substance abuse and mental disorders play prominent roles in a majority of suicides, Kids Health notes.


Teens with a family history of mental disorders or suicide are at increased risk of suicide or suicide attempts, according to NAMI. Being in a setting where a suicide has occurred with a relative could result in thoughts of suicide for vulnerable teens. Low levels of the brain chemical serotonin may be a cause of suicide, the organization claims. Serotonin regulates impulsive actions. Low levels of the chemical serotonin may be a cause of suicide.

Risk factors

Suicidal thoughts may occur in teenagers for a variety of reasons, including:

Suffering from a mental illness, such as depression

The death of or a dispute with a close friend or member of the family

Experience with or history of physical, sexual, or other forms of abuse

Substance abuse issues

Health conditions or physical problems, such as getting pregnant or contracting a STD

Suffering from bullying

Being noncommittal about one’s sexual orientation

Being exposed to someone you know or a friend taking their own life

· Begin adopted

A history of suicidal thoughts or mood disorders in the family


One of the best treatments for suicidal tendencies in teenagers is aurum metallicum 200, which is used when there is a deep sense of despair and utter worthlessness, elevated blood pressure, a profound disdain for life, and suicidal thoughts.Talks ofcomitting suicide.ponders death, weeps, prays, believes she is unfit for this world, and looks on the dark sidethe desire to end one’s life strongly.Feeling unworthy and violent if their beliefs are challenged, they obsess over a sin they have committed..Aurum met.is the most frequent and reliable form of treatment for depression. In cases of acute depression, the patient is brooding, melancholy, and just sits and peers in front of him, refusing to speak. They appear extremely depressed and have all kinds of strange ideas, such as that they have lost the love of their friends and family or that they have done something dreadful and are feeling this way because they are to blame for it.

MAGNESIUM CARBONICUM 200This remedy is appropriate for orphans, abandoned children, and adopted children. They are very irritable and discontent, and there is anxiety and fears all throughout the day, worse at night. They are easily hurt and depressed. – Sensitive to noise, touch, etc. This remedy is effective for suicidal tendency in teenagers. There is a forsaken feeling, feels as if not beloved by his parents, friends, etc. Intolerant of disharmony. Sensitive to what

IGNATIA AMARA 200—Ignatia can be helpful whenThe symptoms of depression include emotional ups and downs and mood swings. Depression can result from bereavement, loss, or a shock, such as seeing a fatal car accident.

KALI PHOSPHORICUM 200-After working too hard, being physically ill, or experiencing prolonged emotional stress or excitement, kali phos is for mental depression caused by excitement, overwork, worry, insomnia, and suicidal tendency.

MAGNESIUM MURIATICUM 200Magnesium mur. people are pacifists and try to resolve conflicts. There is emotional vulnerability and sensitive to any kind of confrontation. Magnesium mur. people suppress their emotions for the sake of others. They want others to be happy. They are introverted. They avoid being hurt. They develop bitterness. They have a sour temperament. They are dissatisfied. They are irritable. They are depressed. They have a strong sense of guilt.

NATRUM MURIATICUM 200Patients with natrum mur. are emotionally sensitive and vulnerable, mentally very objective and aware, and have a strong sense of responsibility.

NATRUM SULPH 200When suicidal thoughts and psychotic symptoms are more severe and the patient needs to be physically restrained from acting on them, Natrum Sulph is a key medication for the treatment of major depression. The patient also dislikes speaking and being spoken to.

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