Tics, which are abnormal involuntary movements that happen suddenly, repeatedly, quickly, and without apparent purpose, are the hallmark of tic disorders.

This type of muscle movement can happen in any part of the body and is irregular, uncontrollable, undesirable, and repetitive.

There are two varieties.

The repetitive movements that characterize motor tics

• Vocal tics, which are vocalizations that repeat repeatedly.

There are two types of tic disorders: temporary and persistent.

Tics are easily aggravated by stressful life circumstances, exhaustion, and/or use of stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine. Transient tic disorders are more common in boys and can affect 5-20% of children. Most of these go away by adulthood.

Tourette’s disorder, also known as Gilles de la Tourette’s syndrome, is a unique type of chronic disorder.

Tourette’s Disorder

Typical symptoms of tourette’s disorder include:

· Multiple motor tics.

· Multiple vocal tics.

A duration exceeding a year.

Usually begins before age 11 and almost always does so before age 21.

The disorder typically affects males more frequently (by about three times), and it occurs in about 0.5 out of every 1000 people.

Motor tics

Simple or complex motor tics may be present in Tourette’s disorder.

Simple motor tics:These include tongue protrusion, grinning, shoulder shrugs, and blinking of the eyes.

Complex motor tics:These include obscene acts like copropraxia, as well as facial gestures, jumping, hitting oneself, squatting, and twirling.

Vocal Tics

Both simple and complex vocal tics can occur in people with Tourette’s syndrome.

Simple vocal tics:Coughing, barking, clearing the throat, sniffing, and clicking are examples of basic vocal tics.

Complex vocal tics:These include some very distinctive, though not always present, symptoms of Tourette’s syndrome, such as coprolalia (use of profane words), echolalia (repetition of heard phrases), and palilalia (repetition of heard words).

Obscessions and Complulsions

The symptoms that are most frequently present in conjunction with obcessions and complulsions are typically the last to manifest.


Although the cause of Tourette’s syndrome is unknown, learning challenges, neurological soft signs, hyperactivity, abnormal EEG records, abnormal evoked potentials, and abnormal CT brain findings in some patients all point to a biological cause.

There is some evidence to support the theory that Tourette’s syndrome is an inherited disorder with variable penetrance that is autosomal dominant.


Tourette syndrome risk factors include:

Family history.The likelihood of developing Tourette syndrome may be increased by a family history of the condition or other tic disorders.

Sex.The likelihood of developing Tourette syndrome is roughly three to four times higher in men than in women.


Tourette syndrome frequently involves behavioral and social challenges that can harm your self-image, but people with Tourette syndrome frequently lead healthy, active lives.

Tourette syndrome is frequently linked to the following conditions:

· Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

· Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

· Autism spectrum disorder

· Learning disabilities

· Sleep disorders

· Depression

· Anxiety disorders

Tic-related pain, particularly headache

· Anger-management problems


There are many effective medicines available in homoeopathy for treating tic disorders, but the choice depends on the individuality of the patient, taking into account the mental and emotional state as well as the physical state. Homoeopathy is a rapidly expanding system that is practiced all over the world.

AGARICUS MUSCARIUS:One of the best treatments for facial twitching is agaricus, which also helps with burning, itching, and eyelid and eyeball twitching.

HYOSCYAMUS NIGER:Hyoscyamus is one of the best treatments for tics where the person makes grimaces and absurd gestures, muscles twitch when protruding the tongue, the person stares at nearby objects constantly, and hypscyamus persons are erotic, expose genitals, make obscene gestures, and sing amorous songs.

CUPRUM METALLICUM:Eyeballs that rapidly rotate or roll from side to side behind closed lids, distorted facial features, and lower jaw chewing motions are all best treated with cuprum metallicum.

ARGENTUM NITRICUM:Argentum niticum is appropriate for impulsive and hurried individuals, panic attacks, and tics where anxiety exacerbates the condition.

IGNATIA AMARA:Ignatia is best suited for hypersensitive, anxious, and hysterical individuals. All complaints are made worse by emotions, and there is twitching of the face and lips in addition to spasmodic clenching of the jaws.

LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM:When a person has a silly expression, a low sense of confidence, twitches their face and mouth when they are tired or stressed, or cries nonstop all day, it is suggested that they have lycopodium.

ZINCUM METALLICUM:When there is automatic movement of the hands and head or of just one hand and the head, as well as twitching and jerking of specific muscles, zinc met is most effective for people who are mentally and/or emotionally exhausted.

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