Homeopathy Medicine for Hyperkeratosis


A condition known as hyperkeratosis is the thickening of the skin’s outer layer, which is made of the protein keratin, which can begin to overgrow under a variety of circumstances.

Depending on the type, hyperkeratosis may be an inherited condition that manifests at birth, or it may be a precursor to skin cancer that appears later in life.


A corn or callus on hands or feet is a type of hyperkeratosis; keratin, a tough type of protein that is meant to help protect our skin, is sometimes the skin’s reaction to rubbing or irritation; a bump or patch of thickened skin is known as a hyperkeratotic lesion.

Hyperkeratosis can also take the following forms:

Chronic eczema:Eczema is a skin condition that causes patches of dry, scaly skin to appear; its cause is frequently unknown; however, environmental or genetic factors are thought to be responsible.

Actinic keratosis:The most common cause of actinic keratosis, which are typically small, reddish, scaly bumps, is ultraviolet light exposure from the sun. A dermatologist should examine these bumps because they may be precancerous growths.

Seborrheic keratosis:One of the most frequent benign skin growths to develop on adults are these tiny brown or black patches, which typically develop on the face, neck, shoulders, and back.

Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis:There are two main types of this type of hyperkeratosis: PS-type epidermolytic hyperkeratosis features thickened skin patches on the hands and feet, while NPS-type epidermolytic hyperkeratosis may not cause these patches to appear on the hands and feet but may cause them elsewhere on the body. Newborns have reddish skin and occasionally blisters.

Keratosis pilaris:Keratosis pilaris, also known as “goose flesh,” is a harmless condition marked by tiny bumps on the skin caused by an excess of protein in the skin.

Follicular hyperkeratosis:These growths are benign (noncancerous), but they frequently resemble cancerous lesions, and they present as a single bump, frequently on the face, in middle-aged or older adults.

Psoriasis:Scaly silver plaques or scales on the skin are frequently seen in patients with this inflammatory disease.


Excessive pressure, skin irritation, or inflammation can cause pressure-related hyperkeratosis.

In response, the skin produces additional keratin layers to shield the affected skin.

On skin that has not been irritated, non-pressure related keratosis develops; experts speculate that this type of hyperkeratosis may be inherited.

Forms of hyperkeratosis include:

  • Actinic keratosis, a condition where patches of skin become rough and sandpaper-like as a result of prolonged skin exposure
  • calluses
  • corns
  • eczema
  • An inherited skin condition known as epidermolytic hyperkeratosis that manifests at birth
  • White patches that appear inside the mouth are caused by the condition lichen planus.
  • plantar warts
  • psoriasis
  • warts

An individual should consult their doctor if they are unsure whether an area of their skin may be affected by hyperkeratosis.


A rough or patchy area of skin that feels different from the surrounding skin will be present in all of the symptoms of hyperkeratosis, which can have a variety of symptoms.

Among the more typical hyperkeratosis causes’ symptoms are:

  • CallusesA callus, which can also develop on the fingers, is a thickened area of skin that, unlike a corn (see below), is typically of uniform thickness.
  • CornsA corn typically has an outer ring of hard tissue that is slightly softer than the center, which is typically composed of very hard keratin.
  • EczemaThis condition results in irritated, red skin that can develop in patches or as tiny bumps.
  • Epidermolytic hyperkeratosisAs the baby gets older, they will develop areas of thickened skin (hyperkeratosis), especially over their joints. At birth, this condition causes extremely red skin and severe blistering of the skin.
  • LeukoplakiaWhite, scaly patches develop inside the mouth as a result of this condition.
  • Plaque psoriasisThis condition can result in an overabundance of scaley, silvery skin cells.

The majority of hyperkeratoses are not painful, with the exception of corns and calluses.



Very helpful for treating small, painful eruptions of keratosis pilaris, which are accompanied by intense burning, itching, and redness.


Excellent for dry skin associated with Keratosis Pilaris. Useful for dry, rough, scaly skin made worse by scratching and the cold.


Very helpful for Keratosis Pilaris with pimple-like bumps all over the body and tottery eruptions that are either dry or moist.


Very helpful for Keratosis Pilaris, which is characterized by dry, rough skin, scabby, tottery eruptions on the hands and cheeks, and red, raw skin before those eruptions.


There is a general tendency to easy perspiration, but the patient is not relieved from it.Useful for itching that gets worse from the warmth of bed.Very helpful for Keratosis Pilaris with moist skin.

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