New Life Bach Flower Willow (30ml) : For Irritabilty, restlessness, worry, anger, Blames others, unhappy


Also known as






75 (gms)


Dimensions: 3.5 x 3.5 x 9.2 cm

Bach flower Willow


  • “I have not deserved this misfortune; why should it happen to me while others get away with it? “, he says, feeling resentment, bitterness, self-pity, and blaming everyone but himself.
  • begrudging a fellow man’s success, happiness, health, or good fortune.
  • A “wet blanket” who enjoys spreading doom and gloom, an irritable sulk, a grumbler, who takes without giving and accepts help as a “right” and is ungrateful and alienating, and who has no interest in other people’s problems except to criticize them.
  • A challenging patient when they are sick; nothing makes them happy or fulfills them.
  • unwilling to acknowledge progress.

This Bach flower remedy (Willow) is for those whose thoughts have become so introspective that they dwell on their misfortune. They become caught up in self-pity, grumble, moan, or sulk and when things go wrong, find it difficult to look on the bright side, forgive, and forget.

Constant scowling, complaining, spreading doom and a negative feeling, being a difficult patient who doesn’t like anything, and being reluctant to acknowledge any improvement are just a few symptoms.

courtesy of Farokh J. Master’s Bach Flower Remedies for Everyone

Human Indication of Bach flower Willow

You want to regain your sense of humor and perspective whenever you are feeling resentful, pitiful, or bitter.

BrandNew Life
Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginIndia
Homeo FormsBach Flower Remedies
Price₹ 100

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