Homeopathic Remedies for Diabetes Mellitus


Diabetes Mellitus

The presence of sugar in urine, frequent copious urinations, much thirst, burning sensation all over the body, wasting, constipation, much appetite—these are the symptoms of diabetes. Dyspepsia and liver disease, eating too much of sweets, drinking too much of alcohol may give rise to sugar in urine, but these are not the only causes of diabetes. In this country those who eat too largely of rice and do too much of brain work and too little of physical exercise are liable to get it. Those who suffer from diabetes are liable to develop one or more of these complications: —Dry skin, liable to develop carbuncles too easily; tongue red, raw, and glossy; gums spongy and liable to bleed easily; itches anywhere and everywhere and particularly on or around the genitals, leading to excess of venery. The Sp. gr. of urine is 1025—1050.


Syzygium Jambolanum 1x—It is useful in all stages of the disease, to decrease the quantity of urine and the quantity of sugar.

Natrum Sulph. 12-200 and Natrum Phos. 6x-200— Almost a specific drug in all forms of diabetes, however intractable. In 4 to 5 weeks-time the sugar disappears and cure is perfect after 4 and 5 months more, Natrum Sulph. is valuable in the gouty condition.

Lactic Acid 3—A valuable remedy.

Plumbum Iod. 6x—Valuable to those with uric-acid in their system.

Secale 6—It lessens sugar output.

Add Phosphoric 1x-6—Useful in diabetes associated with nervous disease; urine looks like milk with sediment; profuse and frequent clear urine at night; wasting spermatorrhoea mental disturbances.

Helonius Ө-6—Loss of sugar and albumen with urine or of phosphate; thirst, restlessness; melancholy and wasting.

Uranium Nitricum 1x-3—Indigestion; much thirst; constipation; raw tongue sleeplessness; burning sensation in genitals after passing of urine; purulent discharges from nose and mucus from eyes; weakness.

Kreosote 6, 12, 30—Frequent desire to pass urine; copious pale urine with brick-red sediment; inability to retain urine.

Silicea 3-6—If all the above drugs fail. In dropsy following diabetes.

Arsenic 6-30—Burning during urination.

Cantharis 6 or Terebinth 6—Dropsy around ankles with debility.

Argentum Met. 3-30 or Scilla 1-3—is used in insipid diabetes (where large quantities of pale urine are passed without any sugar in it). Diabetes due to injury or fall.

Arnica 3-30—Coma in diabetes.

Opium 3-30; Rhus Aromatica Ө10 or more drops have been more successful in some cases.

Diet etc.—The secret is to cut down the starchy elements from one’s diet to the minimum of tolerance is arrived at by semi-starvation experiments. Sweet, rice, and fruits are to be taken as sparingly as possible; fatty food should also be avoided as much as possible. Occasional fasting is to be recommended, and the patient should never eat fully of any meal. Plenty of water may be drunk.

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