Hapdco Reumatone Syrup (450ml) : For Sprains, Stiffness of Muscles, Swellings, Pains, Sciatica, Joint pain


Also known as

Reuma, reumat, and Reum



573 (gms)


7, 7, 7, and 17.5 centimeters

Hapdco Reumatone Syrup

Indication of Hapdco Reumatone Syrup

  • For gout and arthritis
  • Joint swelling, neuralgia, and lumbago.

Action of Ingredients used

Ledum Palustre: Swollen, hot, pale; cracking in joints; worse, warmth of bed. Gouty pains shoot throughout the foot and limb, in joints, but especially in small joints.

Rhus Toxicodendron: Rhus causes severe rigidity, stiffness, numbness, and pain upon initial motion after resting. Fibrous tissue, particularly joints and tendons, are affected. Tendons, ligaments, and fascia can tear, and there may be loss of strength in the forearm and fingers.

Actae spicata: Slight joint swelling due to slight exhaustion, swollen, red, painful wrists that get worse with motion, small joints affected, and weak feeling in the arms.

Capsicum Annuum: Sciatica, which is made worse by bending backward, pain that radiates from the hips to the feet, and intense knee pain.

Ginseng: The hands feel swollen, the skin feels constricted and tight, the back and spine are cold, the thighs and small of the back are bruised, and the lower limbs are heavy and stiff.

Natrum Salicylicum: laziness, slumber, listlessness, and trembling


Natrum Bromatum: a feeling of weakness and joint swelling.

Lithium Benzoicum: Reduced uric acid deposits are significantly reduced by it.

Kali Bichromicum: In the sacrum and coccyx, there are roving pains that move up and down the bones.

Bryonia alba: Stitching pains that are relieved by complete rest, pressure, and lying on the painful side. Multiple joints affected, resulting in inflammation and exudation.

Magnesium Phosphoricum: Pains come and go suddenly, sometimes with cramping, lightning-like flashes, shooting, cutting, stitching, and rapid movement.

Natrum Phosphoricum: Body tingling, palpitations, and a heavy feeling with pains in the drawing muscles, similar to an electric shock.

Belladonna: Joints that are swollen, red, shining, and radiating red streaks with shooting pains down the limbs

Withania Somnifera: overall health benefits and anti-inflammatory properties.

Hypericum Perforatum: Coccyxdynia, sacral pressure, and spine-related injuries (fractures, sprains) accompanied by piercing, stabbing pains.

Dosage of Hapdco Reumatone Syrup

Three times a day, one teaspoonful, or as prescribed by a doctor.

Terms and Conditions

Before purchasing this medication, we have assumed that you sought medical advice and are not using it for self-medication.

Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginIndia
Form FactorSyrup
Price₹ 325

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