Homeopathy Medicine for Desires And Aversions



Strong feelings of wanting to do something, have something, or wish for something to happen are all examples of desires.


a propensity to stop acting out or to avoid something or somewhere, especially if it is or was previously associated with something unpleasant.

If the patient’s desires and aversions are PQRS, as Samuel Hahnemann, the father of homeopathy, said of the characteristic symptom, a good homeopath will take them into consideration when choosing a remedy.

Homoeopathic meicine for Desires and Aversions:

There are some foods and drinks that each remedy has preferences for or aversions to, making it challenging to remember them all.


Acid drinksAmmonia, ant poison, borax, calcium carbide, and plumbum

Acid fruits: Thuja, Ignatia, Ars alb, and Calc carb

Almonds: Cubeba

Apples: Aloe, Ant tart

Biscuit: Plumbum

Buttered breadAgar, Bell, Fermented Meat, Ign, and Mag Carbon

Wheat bread: Aurum met

Cakes: Plumbum

Coffee burned: Alumin

Cucumbers: Ant crud

Fried eggs: Natrum phos

Lime, slate pencils, chalk or clayCicuta, Nit ac, Nux vom, Aluminum

Plums: Sul ac



Alcoholic drinks: Ignatia

Bananas: Elaps

Breakfast: Conium, Lyc

Chocolate: Osmium, Tarentula

Eggs: Ferrum met

Garlic: Sabadilla

Potatoes: Thuja

Tea: Carbolic acid

Cold waterBell, Bry, Caust, Nux vom, and Tab

Salt foodCarbo vegetarian, graphed, murky, sel, silent

Fruit: Baryta carb, Ign

Boiled food: Lyc, e.t.c

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