A common condition is vaginal candidiasis, or a yeast infection. Candida albicans, a particular type of yeast, is what most often causes yeast infections. A healthy vagina contains bacteria as well as some yeast cells, but when the ratio of bacteria to yeast changes, the yeast cells can multiply, causing severe itching, swelling, and irritation.

Up to 3 out of 4 women will experience a vaginal yeast infection during their lifetime, and many women will have at least two episodes.

Women who are not sexually active can also develop vaginal yeast infections, which are not thought of as sexually transmitted diseases. Once you have one, you are likely to develop more of them because yeast infections are contagious.

CausesYeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of the fungus Candida, which is a naturally occurring microorganism in the vaginal area that is controlled by the Lactobacillus bacteria. However, when there is a hormonal imbalance, these bacteria are unable to function properly, which results in an overgrowth of yeast and the symptoms of yeast infections.

Infection with yeast can result from a number of factors, such as

Antibiotics lower Lactobacillus levels in the vagina.

· Pregnancy

· Uncontrolled diabetes

· Weak immune system

· Stress

Unhealthy eating practices, such as consuming a lot of sweets

An imbalance in hormones just before your period

Making use of estrogen-boosting hormone treatments or oral contraceptives

· Lack of sleep


The following list of mild to moderate symptoms of a yeast infection:

Vagina and vulva itch and become inflamed.

Burning, especially during sexual activity or while urinating

· Pain during sex

Vulval erythema and enlargement

· Vaginal pain and soreness

· Vaginal rash

Vaginal discharge that is thick, white, odorless, and resembles cottage cheese

· Watery vaginal discharge

Complicated yeast infection

If any of the following apply to you:

You exhibit severe symptoms, including intense redness, swelling, and itching that results in tears, cracks, or sores.

You experience at least four yeast infections per year.

An uncommon type of fungus is what’s causing your infection.

· You’re pregnant

· You have uncontrolled diabetes

Because of particular medications or illnesses like HIV infection, your immune system is compromised.

Risk factors

You are more likely to get a yeast infection if you have the following things:

·Antibiotic use.Broad-spectrum antibiotics, which kill a variety of bacteria, also kill healthy bacteria in your vagina, causing an overgrowth of yeast. Yeast infections are common in women who take antibiotics.

·Increased estrogen levels.Women who take high-dose estrogen birth control pills, undergo estrogen hormone therapy, are more likely to develop yeast infections than those who have lower estrogen levels.

·Uncontrolled diabetes.Compared to women with well-controlled blood sugar, those with poorly managed blood sugar are more likely to develop yeast infections.

·Impaired immune system.Yeast infections are more prevalent in women who have weakened immune systems, such as those who have HIV or have been receiving corticosteroid therapy.


Wear underwear with a cotton crotch and loose-fitting undergarments to lower your risk of vaginal yeast infections.

Another thing to keep away from is:

· Tight-fitting pantyhose

Douching, which eliminates some of the healthy bacteria that normally guard against infection in the vagina.

scented feminine products like tampons, pads, and bubble bath

Hot tubs and scalding baths

The overuse of antibiotics, particularly when treating viral infections like colds.

Remaining in wet clothing for an extended period of time, such as swimwear or workout gear.


Since it adopts a holistic approach to the sick person by promoting inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical levels, homoeopathy is a rapidly expanding system that is currently practiced throughout the world. When it comes to vaginal yeast infection, many effective medicines are available in homoeopathy, but the selection depends on the patient’s individuality, taking into account the patient’s symptoms and medical history.

AMBRA GRISEA 30Itching of the pudendum with soreness and swelling. Itching in the labia. Profuse, bluish discharge. Worse at night. Increased sexual desire. —Ambra grisea is effective for vaginal yeast infection caused by hormonal imbalance.

CALCAREA CARB 30—Calcarea carb is appropriate for fatty women with thick, milky, gushing, or yellow discharge that is worse during urination and accompanied by itching and burning, as well as vulva and vaginal swelling and redness.

HELONIAS Q—Helonias is recommended for people who have severe vulvar aphthous inflammation, foul, lumpy, or curdled discharge, hot, red, or swollen parts, and severe burning and itching.

KREOSOTUM 30—Kreosotum is effective for vaginal yeast infection with severe itching between the labia and thigh, itching within the vulva with burning and swelling of the labia, and constant rubbing of the affected areas.

SEPIA 30—Sepia is recommended for vaginal yeast infections that have a yellow or greenish discharge, intense itching in the labia, vulva, and vagina, a lot of heat and soreness in these areas, and a feeling as though everything would escape through the vagina.

PULSATILLA NIGRICANS 30Pulsatilla is another successful treatment for vaginal yeast infections that cause burning and itching in the labia, vulva, and vagina as well as a milky, thick, cream-like discharge and accompanying back pain and exhaustion.

THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 30Thuja occidentalis is prescribed when there is an excessive amount of thick, greenish discharge, a very sensitive vagina, itching, burning, and soreness, as well as ulcers in the vulva and vagina and cervix erosion.

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