Homeopathy Medicine for Heart Block


The symptoms caused by an illness of the auricular-ventricular bundle, also known as the His bundle, are known as heart block. Such an illness prevents the auricles’ normal stimulus conduction to the ventricles, which results in heart block symptoms.

A heartbeat, which is a contraction of the heart muscles that pushes blood throughout the body, occurs 60 to 100 times per minute in a healthy human heart.

Electrical signals typically move from the heart’s atria (upper chambers) to ventricles (lower chambers) to regulate each contraction of the heart muscle.

When the electrical impulses are interrupted or delayed, the heart cannot beat normally and develops a partial heart block.

The heartbeat will decrease to about 40 times per minute in a complete heart block, when the electrical signals completely stop.

Heart block can result from impulse changes that last even a very brief time.

Sometimes, a heart block prevents the heart from properly pumping blood through the circulatory system, which prevents the muscles and organs, including the brain, from receiving enough oxygen to function.


Heart blocks come in three different flavors.

First-degree heart block;It is the least serious type of heart block, and it typically doesn’t need to be treated. It involves minor heartbeat disruptions, like skipped beats.

Second-degree heart block;The patient may experience dropped or skipped beats and require a pacemaker as a result of this condition, which happens when some electrical signals never make it to the heart.

Third-degree or complete heart block;Without a pacemaker, a person is seriously at risk of having a heart attack, which occurs when electrical signals cannot pass between the upper and lower chambers of the heart.


Electrical signals that pass through the heart’s muscle and through the atrioventricular (AV) node, which connects the upper and lower chambers, are what cause a healthy heart to contract or beat.

The bundle of His, also known as the “bundle branch block” or “AV bundle,” is a group of cardiac fibers that lies along this pathway. This bundle is divided into the right and left bundles, which each carry electrical impulses to the heart ventricles.

Uncoordinated ventricular contractions can result from damage to one of the branch bundles, which can lead to an abnormal heartbeat.

While a blocked signal on the left side of the heart can indicate a higher risk of coronary artery disease or another heart condition, a blocked signal on the right side of the heart is typically not serious.


The following symptoms could occur in someone with a heart block:

  • slow, erratic, or palpitating heartbeats
  • shortness of breath
  • lightheadedness and fainting
  • a chestache or other discomfort
  • exercise challenging due to insufficient blood flow throughout the body

Risk factors

The risk is raised by the following circumstances:

  • cardiomyopathy
  • coronary thrombosis
  • Alternatively known as heart muscle inflammation, myocarditis
  • Inflamed heart valves are known as endocarditis.
  • Surgical or heart attack-related scar tissue in the heart.


In comparison to those with a right side block, those with a left side bundle branch block are more likely to experience complications.

Possible complications include:

  • unsteady heartbeat, or arrhythmia
  • Low heart rate, or bradycardia
  • insufficient contraction
  • cardiovascular failure and cardiac arrest
  • sudden cardiac death, which may occur within an hour of the onset of symptoms,

Although heart block isn’t always preventable, the risk of heart disease can be decreased by following a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, drinking only moderate amounts of alcohol, and quitting smoking.


Cactus:Suffocation, a strong pulse, and oppression with angina symptoms.

Crataegus:Painful spasms, hypotension, a propensity for decompensation, and functional irregularities are all symptoms of myodegeneratio cordis, which is characterized by cardiac weakness and enfeeblement during infectious diseases.


cardiac enlargement and heart failure.

Kalium carbonicum:In endo-myocarditis, there is a sharp pain in the heart as well as cardiovascular system weakness.

Spigelia:Low pulse, endo-myocarditis, strong and irregular palpitations, etc.

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