Homeopathy Medicine for Herniated Disc


The term “slipped disc” refers to an intervertebral disc of the spine that has changed in shape and/or consistency as a result of the nucleus pulposus, the disc’s soft inner material, bulging or leaking through the annulus fibrosus, the disc’s outer fibrous covering.

One of the most common causes of lower back pain, leg pain, and “sciatica” is a condition known as a herniated disk, which can happen anywhere along the spine but most frequently does so in the lower back.


The location of the herniated disk and whether it is pressing on a nerve will determine the signs and symptoms, which almost always affect one side of the body. Herniated disks typically occur in the lower back but can also happen in the neck.

  • Arm or leg pain.If your herniated disk is in your neck, you will typically experience pain in your shoulder and arm, which may radiate into your arm or leg when you cough, sneeze, or move into certain positions. Pain is frequently described as sharp or burning. If your herniated disk is in your lower back, you will typically experience pain in your buttocks, thigh, and calf. One may also experience pain in part of the foot.
  • Numbness or tingling.Radiating numbness or tingling in the area of the body that the injured nerves serve is common in people with herniated disks.
  • Weakness.Weakened muscles, which can impair our ability to lift or hold objects, are usually served by the nerves that are affected.


As we age, our disks become less flexible and more prone to rupturing or tearing with even a minor strain or twist. Disk herniation is most frequently the result of a gradual, aging-related wear and tear called disk degeneration.

Rarely, a traumatic event like a fall or blow to the back is the cause of a herniated disk, which most people struggle to identify. Other causes include twisting and turning while lifting, using our back muscles to lift heavy objects instead of our leg and thigh muscles, and using our back muscles improperly.


A herniated disk can occur as a result of several factors, including:

Weight –Our lower back’s disks are put under additional strain when we carry too much weight.

Occupation –Repetitive lifting, pushing, pulling, bending sideways, and twisting can increase our risk of a herniated disk, and people with physically demanding jobs are more likely to experience back problems.

Genetics –Herniated disk development is predisposed in some people by genetics.

Smoking –Smoking is believed to reduce the oxygen supply to the disk, accelerating the disk’s degeneration.


Our spinal cord terminates just above the waist, and a group of long nerve roots called the cauda equina emerge through the spinal canal.

Rarely, an emergency surgery may be necessary to prevent permanent weakness or paralysis due to a disk herniation that compresses the entire spinal canal, including all of the cauda equina’s nerves.

If any of the following apply, seek immediate medical help:

  • Symptoms can get worse to the point where they interfere with our daily activities, such as pain, numbness, or weakness.
  • Bladder or bowel dysfunction-Even with a full bladder, Cauda Equina Syndrome can result in incontinence or difficulty urinating.
  • The inner thighs, the back of the legs, and the region around the rectum are all affected by this progressively losing feeling condition known as “saddle anesthesia.”


Do the following to lessen your risk of developing a herniated disk:

  • Exercise: Stabilizing and supporting the spine is achieved by enhancing trunk muscles.
  • Keep your back straight and aligned, especially if you spend a lot of time sitting down, and lift heavy objects with your legs rather than your back doing the majority of the work to reduce pressure on your spine and disks.
  • Keep your weight in check. Excess weight puts pressure on the disks in the spine, increasing the risk of herniation.
  • Eliminate all tobacco products from your life and stop smoking.


BRYONIA :Useful medication for back pain that feels like it is cramping all over. There is shooting pain in the loins and the back. There is also painful stiffness in the small of the back that makes him walk and sit awkwardly. There is shooting pain under the left shoulder blade that extends to the heart and is greatly aggravated by coughing. There is stitching, tearing pain that gets worse at night, motion, inspiration, coughing and better by complete rest, lying on painful splints.

CALCAREA CARB :It is helpful for slipped discs with intolerable back pain when bending backward, painful stiffness in the spine, dullness and heaviness in the legs, and spasmodic, jerking pain extending from the left side of the back to the anus. It is also helpful for pressive pain in the spine between the shoulder blades with short breaths that is made worse by breathing and painfulness in the bones of the spine on touch.

KALI CARB :Useful for rheumatic pains in the back, chest, shoulders, and arms that are worse on movement. There are stitches in the right side of the back that extend through the chest. There is stiffness and lameness in the back and small of the back. There is a slipped disc and stiffness in the back with an inability to stoop.


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