Homeopathy Medicine for Transverse Myelitis


The neurological condition known as transverse myelitis, which affects one region of the spinal cord, causes inflammation on both sides of the myelin sheath that protects nerve cell fibers.

The spinal cord nerves’ ability to communicate with the rest of the body is disrupted by transverse myelitis, which can result in pain, muscle wasting, paralysis, sensory issues, and problems with the bladder and bowel.

Transverse myelitis can have a variety of different causes, such as infections and immune system disorders that attack body tissues, as well as other myelin disorders, such as multiple sclerosis. Other conditions, such as a spinal cord stroke, are frequently confused with transverse myelitis, and these conditions have different treatment modalities.

The majority of those who have transverse myelitis recover at least partially, but those who have severe attacks occasionally end up with significant disabilities. Transverse myelitis is treated with medications and rehabilitative therapy.


Transverse myelitis signs and symptoms commonly appear over a short period of time—a few hours to a few days—and occasionally gradually worsen over a period of weeks.

Underneath the affected region of the spinal cord, transverse myelitis typically affects both sides of the body, though occasionally only one side of the body is affected.

The following are typical symptoms and signs:

  • Pain.Sharp pain that shoots down your legs or arms, around your chest or abdomen, or around your lower back may be the first sign of transverse myelitis. Pain symptoms differ depending on which part of your spinal cord is affected.
  • Abnormal sensations.The skin on your chest, abdomen, or legs may feel as if something is tightly wrapping around them if you have transverse myelitis. Some people with the condition report sensations of numbness, tingling, coldness, or burning. Some are especially sensitive to the light touch of clothing.
  • Weakness in your arms or legs.Others may experience severe weakness or even complete paralysis. Some people feel their legs are heavy, and others may stumble or drag one foot.
  • Bladder and bowel problems.Constipation, urinary incontinence, difficulty urinating, and a greater need to urinate frequently are a few examples of this.


There is occasionally no known cause for transverse myelitis, making its exact cause unknown.

Transverse myelitis is an inflammatory disorder that typically develops after an infection with one of the aforementioned viruses, bacteria, or fungi that affect the spinal cord has cleared up.

Transverse myelitis is caused by the following viruses:

  • Herpes viruses, such as the shingles and zoster viruses that cause chickenpox,
  • Cytomegalovirus
  • Epstein-Barr
  • HIV
  • Coxsackievirus and the poliovirus are examples of enteroviruses.
  • West Nile
  • Echovirus
  • Zika
  • Influenza
  • Hepatitis B
  • Mumps, measles and rubella

Even if they don’t directly affect the spinal cord, other viruses can cause an autoimmune response.

Transverse myelitis is linked to the following bacterial infections:

  • Lyme disease
  • Syphilis
  • Tuberculosis
  • Actinomyces
  • Pertussis
  • Tetanus
  • Diphtheria

Transverse myelitis can also be brought on by bacterial pneumonia, gastroenteritis, and skin infections.

A spinal cord infection caused by a parasite or fungus is extremely uncommon.

The disorder seems to be triggered by several inflammatory conditions, including the following:

  • Multiple sclerosisTransverse myelitis, which can be the first sign of multiple sclerosis or represent a relapse, is a disorder where the immune system attacks the myelin covering nerves in your spinal cord and brain. Transverse myelitis as a sign of multiple sclerosis typically causes symptoms on only one side of your body.

  • Neuromyelitis optica (Devic’s disease)Usually affects both sides of the body, transverse myelitis associated with neuromyelitis optica causes inflammation and myelin loss around the spinal cord and the nerve in your eye that sends information to your brain.

    However, some people with neuromyelitis optica don’t experience eye-related problems and might only have recurrent episodes of transverse myelitis. You may experience symptoms of damage to the myelin of the optic nerve, including pain in the eye with movement and temporary vision loss, in addition to transverse myelitis.

  • Autoimmune disordersThese disorders include Sjogren’s syndrome, which causes severe dry mouth and eyes, and lupus, which can affect multiple body systems, and probably contribute to transverse myelitis in some people.

    Neuromyelitis optica is more common in individuals with other autoimmune diseases and may be preceded by transverse myelitis linked to an autoimmune disorder.

  • VaccinationsHowever, at this time, the association is not strong enough to justify restricting any vaccine. for infectious diseases have occasionally been associated as a potential trigger.

  • SarcoidosisIt can mimic neuromyelitis optica, but typically sarcoidosis symptoms develop more slowly. Sarcoidosis is a condition that causes inflammation in many parts of the body, including the spinal cord and optic nerve.


However, complications, such as the following, frequently linger, making transverse myelitis a chronic condition.

  • Pain,among the disorder’s most frequent and severe long-term side effects.
  • Stiffness, tightness or painful spasmsThis most frequently occurs in the legs and buttocks.
  • Partial or total paralysisAfter the initial symptoms, this may continue, either in your arms, legs, or both.
  • Sexual dysfunction,a frequent side effect of transverse myelitis, which can make it difficult for both men and women to get orgasmic or get an erection.
  • Depression or anxiety,which occurs frequently in people with long-term complications due to the substantial changes in lifestyle, the stress caused by chronic pain or a disability, and the negative effects of sexual dysfunction on relationships.


Symptoms that can be managed with homeopathic medicines include pain, numbness, prickling, burning, muscle weakness, and those related to bladder and bowel problems. The homeopathic medicine that will suit a particular case of myelitis depends on the symptoms present.

Rhus Tox– To Treat Neck and Lower Back Pain

It is a very effective medication for treating pain in the neck or lower back. In cases requiring it for lower back pain, worsening is there from sitting or rest. Motion, exercise, and pressure tend to give relief. With this there is a feeling as if the back is broken from intense pain. Lower back is also sore. Next, in case of neck pain, the pain may radiate to shoulders. This gets worse from motion and from exposure to cold air. Warm application on the neck gives relief. Massage is also effective

Hypericum– For Aches, Burning, Tingling, and Pain

It is a natural remedy made from a plant called Hypericum perforatum, also known as “St. John’s Wort,” that is a member of the Hypericaceae family. It is most effective when there is a violent, sharp pain in the back, which makes it difficult to walk or stoop. Next, it is also effective when there is neck pain, which is indicated when the neck is sensitive to touch. In some cases, it may also be necessary to treat symptoms like numb

Zincum met –Because of Back Pain and Limb Numbness

When back pain and limb numbness are present, it is a crucial medication.

A burning sensation in the spine and general weakness are felt along with the above symptoms. The pain is felt most when walking.

Causticum– For Muscle Weakness

People who need it have weakness and heaviness in the limbs. Their arms feel weak and lame to them. Next, they may have unsteadiness of forearm and hand muscles. They also may have unsteady gait and an easy tendency to fall. Finally, they may have electric shock-like pain in their legs. It is a leading medication for managing muscle weakness. Additionally, it is also an important medication for managing cases of paralysis.

Phosphorus– To treat spine sensitivity and marked burning

Phosphorus is a prominent medication when the spine is burning and sensitive, the back feels weak, the legs are numb and weak, and there is pain in the back. It is also well indicated for treating constipation when the stool is narrow and dry in these circumstances.

Kali Phos– An additional treatment for muscle weakness

It is extremely helpful for treating cases of muscle weakness, which can include general weakness, pain in the legs and back, and weakness of the muscles themselves. It is also highly recommended for treating cases of paralysis.

Colocynth– For pain extending down the leg to the feet from the lower back

Citrullus colocynthis, also known as cucumis colocynthis and bitter apple, is a plant in the cucurbitaceae family that produces the fruit pulp used to make this medication. It is effective for treating lower back pain that travels down the leg and into the feet, especially when the pain is like shooting lightning in nature, worsens with even the slightest motion, and is relieved by applying heat.

Picric Acid– For Leg Muscle Weakness, Numbness, and Prickling

A burning sensation along the spine may accompany the above symptoms, and the next symptom that may be present is an aching and dragging sensation in the lower back, which tends to get worse with movement. This symptom is highly valuable for cases with numbness, prickling, and muscle weakness in the legs. Legs weakness is felt from even little walking where it is required.

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