Homeopathic Remedies for Hiccup (Hiccough)


Hiccup (Hiccough)

Hiccup is due to spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm or midriff—the muscular partition between the chest and abdomen. This spasmodic contraction is most often reflex— from the stomach, liver, kidneys, etc. The heart rests immediately upon the diaphragm; hence, repeated spasmodic contracting of it leads to repeated jerks upon the heart and therefore is exhausting. Hiccough (hiccup) therefore is of grave import, if associated with serious ailments or previous exhaustion. But hysterical hiccup or that found in children is not of much consequence.


Ginseng 0 is used in all forms of hiccup. This failing try—Nux Vomica 3 (if hiccup occurs before meals) or Cyclamen 3 or Cuprum 6 or Cuprum Ars. 6—If associated with difficult breathing, nausea, eructations, and if hiccup abates after drinking water. Cocculus 6—Hiccup and eructations, stabbing pain. Ignatia 3—Hiccup following food, drink and smoke, Natrum Mur. 6—Violent hiccup in malarious patients. Cicuta 6—Hiccup with sound. Carbo Veg. 30— Hiccup produced by movement. Merc. Cor. 6—Hiccup follows even small sips of water. Lycopodium 30—Tongue is at one time extruded at another drawn in.

For hiccup in cases of cholera—Bell., Cicuta, Hyoscyamus, Carbo Veg., Agnus, Puls., Staphysagria, Phosph., Ignatia, Sulphur, Dr. Salzer recommended (in 3- 30 potencies)—Lycopod., Cuprum Acet., Cicuta, Bell., Nux Vom. (See our book on Chloera).

The water of green cocoanut or the kernel inside the stone of palm fruit are also recommended. The diet must be bland and liquid.

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