Bio India Eczema Drops (30ml) : For Eczema, urticaria, boils, herpes, skin rash, itching


Bio-India’s Eczema Drops-39

To treat skin rashes, herpes, eczema, and urticaria

Other name: Drops -39 for Complex Eczema

Indications of Complex Eczema Drops-39 (Bio-India’s Eczema Drops-39)

acne, herpes, rashes, and eschar are a few examples of skin conditions.

Mode of Action of Ingredients in Complex Eczema Drops -39 (Bio-India’s Eczema Drops-39)

Apis mellifica: Circumscribed swelling that is oedematous and erysipelatous, serous coat inflammation that stabs, and dermatoses that itch are some of the symptoms.

Arsenicum album (Acidum arsenicosum): Dandruff, thick, scaly eczema of the scalp, eczema with blister formation that develops into pustules and eschar, and dryness of the skin with scale formation.

Calendula: It facilitates the healing of wounds, calms itchiness, aids in the reduction of bacteria so that skin can recover from infection, and aids in the lessening of skin inflammation, redness, and fear from scratching.

Mezereum: When the crust is on the head, it is particularly effective because the itching is worse at night.

Rhus toxicodendron (Toxicodendron Quercifolium): Erythema rapidly developing into blisters, frequently accompanied by oedema, the development of pus and eschar, and the development of red, erysipelatous skin with the formation of reddish blisters.

Sulphur: Especially helpful if you have eczema that gets worse in the summer or when it’s hot outside.

Dosage of Complex Eczema Drops-39(Bio-India’s Eczema Drops-39)

Unless your doctor instructs you otherwise, take 10 drops twice daily for prophylaxis and 20 drops diluted in water three times a day.

BrandBio-India Pharma
Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginIndia
Form FactorDrops
Price₹ 150

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