Adel Leptandra Mother Tincture Q


The ADEL Leptandra Virginica Mother Tincture is primarily prescribed to treat liver disorders, and it is very effective in treating problems with black stool related to jaundice, as well as bilious conditions, limiting liver bleeding, and treating flatulence, bloating, and chronic constipation.

Important elements:


Major advantages:

It is mostly employed to treat ailments related to the liver and those that are related to it.

helpful in the treatment of symptoms similar to jaundice, such as black, watery stools

The symptoms of headache, vertigo, insomnia, and general irritability can also be effectively treated with it.

It works wonders at relieving severe stomach and intestine pain, as well as liver pain and cold symptoms.

Additionally, it can be used to treat some haemorrhoid-related symptoms, intestinal fever with black stools, and anus bleeding.

Applying Instructions:

10 drops of Mother Tincture diluted in a half cup of water should be taken three times per day, or as prescribed by a doctor.

Observations on safety

Before using, closely examine the label.

Don’t take more than the advised dosage

Keep children’s reach away from this.

use as directed by a physician

Store far from heat sources and in a cool, dry environment.

BrandAdel Pekana
Container TypeGlass Bottle
Shelf Life5 Years From Date Of Manufacturing
Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginGermany
Homeo FormsMother Tincture
Price₹ 320

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