Homeopathy Medicine for Guttate Psoriasis


Small, red patches with a droplet shape are characteristic of guttate psoriasis, which affects the:

  • arms
  • legs
  • scalp
  • trunk

Psoriasis, an inflammatory skin condition that causes skin redness and irritation, typically affects children and adults ages 30 and younger. The word “guttate” comes from the Latin word for “drop.” It’s the second most common type of psoriasis.

About 8% of people with psoriasis will develop this type of psoriasis, according to the National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF), and common triggers include viral infections and respiratory illnesses.

Guttate psoriasis produces spots that are typically small, not overly thick, and may have a layer of thin, flaky skin called scales, unlike plaque psoriasis, which causes raised lesions.


Guttate psoriasis flare-ups are frequently sudden, involving small, red marks that get bigger and worse before covering large areas of the body or remaining in smaller patches.

Lesions of guttate psoriasis commonly manifest as:

  • small in size
  • red or dark pink
  • separate from each other
  • within the limbs or trunk
  • than plaque psoriasis lesions in thickness


Although research suggests that psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder, which means that healthy cells are attacked by the body’s defense mechanisms, the true cause of the condition is unknown.

Psoriasis is characterized by the redness and flaky skin that are typical of the condition.

The NPF states that a number of things, including:

  • a skin laceration
  • strep throat
  • stress
  • tonsillitis
  • a few drugs, such as beta-blockers (medications used to treat heart conditions) and antimalarial medications

Guttate psoriasis can be a lifelong condition for some people, or it can develop later as plaque psoriasis. It is not contagious and cannot be transmitted to others through skin-to-skin contact. Spots frequently go away with minor treatment.


NATRUM MURUseful for guttate psoriasis when there are dry psoriatic patches, mostly on the scalp, hairy margin, behind the ears, bends of joints, and most exposed areas of skin, when the skin peels easily, when there is an unusual craving for salt and salty foods, which usually aggravates the itching, and when people may also experience an increase in symptoms when they travel to a hot, humid climate like that found in coastal regions.

ARS IODUseful for guttate psoriasis in cases where there is excessive scaling and thin, watery discharge, extremely dry skin that easily peels off, and respiratory complaints are present. It is most effective in patients who are thin, emaciated, and easily worn out. They may also sweat excessively at night.

SEPIAMenopausal or post-menopausal women with guttate psoriasis may experience an overwhelming urge to scratch due to excessive itching.

SILICEAUseful for people who feel extremely cold and cannot tolerate even the mildest form of cold. Useful when lesions may itch only during the daytime and the patients feel better in the evening and night. Useful for people with guttate psoriasis patients who have lesions that are tiny and look rosy red in color, changing as the lesions become old to dark brown and then forming into dry and white scales. There is an offensive foot sweat.

GRAPHITESUseful for guttate psoriasis when there is a tendency to catch colds easily, there is hard and rough skin, as well as for psoriasis of the nails where the nails are weak and break easily, for deformed nails and there may be cracks around the finger tips, and for guttate psoriasis with lesions that spread throughout the body.

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