Homeopathy Medicine for Herpes Zoster


According to a study, 90% of people with Herpes zoster have previously experienced chicken pox. Herpes zoster (also known as shingles) is a viral infection caused by the Varicella zoster virus.


Incidence rates range from 2-4 per 1,000 for children and young adults to 8–10 per 1,000 for adults.


It can go on to cause Herpes zoster, which is caused by the varicella-zoster virus, which is found in nerve cells and can remain dormant for extended periods of time. When the virus becomes active, symptoms appear along the course of nerves.

Sign and symptoms

Herpes zoster is characterized by painful, linear eruptions (yellowish fluid filled) over a small area of the body, such as the face, eyes, genitals, and other body parts. The pain may be mild or unbearable and is connected to a nerve in which the virus is located. The eruptions may go away in 3-6 weeks, but the pain may persist.

Both males and females may experience the same Herpes eruption on their genitalia, which can last for up to three weeks and result in swollen local lymph nodes as well as recurrent relapses.

Post-herpetic Neuralgia, a painful condition that many patients with herpes zoster experience afterward, is well-known to occur.


Oral sex is the most common way to spread genital HSV infection, but skin-to-skin contact is the main source of transmission, as well as direct contact and contact with contaminated objects like razors, towels, dishes, and other shared items.

  • isolation of Herpes antibodies through blood testing
  • PCR (polymerase chain reaction)
  • Investigations of a variety of bodily fluids, including blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid from extremely ill patients, eye, mouth, blister, and genital secretions, can find the virus.

Homeopathic Treatment

Herpes zoster can be effectively treated with homeopathy, which does not use local or external medications and instead administers constitutional medicines after carefully examining the patient’s mind and body.

Homoeopathic Medicine

Arsenicum album

This remedy may be used if a person has a fever that makes them feel cold, anxious, restless, and exhausted, and if heat alleviates the eruptions’ burning pain.

Apis mellifica

A need for this remedy is indicated by swollen, tender eruptions that are painful and itchy, and that are accompanied by burning, stinging, and burning pain.

Iris versicolor

Herpes zoster outbreaks, which may appear more frequently on the right side of the abdomen, are frequently helped by this treatment when they are accompanied by stomach discomfort, nausea, and burning sensations.


The local pain of the eruptions is worse with heat and relieved by cold applications; cool fresh air is soothing; but the patient is chilly in general and worse from getting cold when this remedy is indicated, followed by intense burning and bright red eruptions that itch intolerably.

Ranunculus bulbosus

This treatment is recommended for people who have painful, extremely itchy shingles on their ribcage (either on their back or chest), blisters that may appear blue, and blisters that are made worse by alcohol and exposure to cold air.

Rhus toxicodendron

This remedy may be used for restlessness, which causes the person to pace the room or constantly move around, a rash that starts with numerous small blisters, is red and extremely itchy, and is relieved by hot baths or hot wet compresses.

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