Lords Chimaphila Um 1X (Q) Mother Tincture (30ml) : For painful Urination, glandular swellings, swollen breasts




1X (Q)


84 (gms)


3-by-3-by-7 millimeters

Lords Chimaphila Umbellata

Common name: Pipsissewa

Causes and symptoms for Lords Chimaphila Umbellata

  • The female mammae, lymphatic, and mesenteric glands are all impacted by chimaphila umbellata, which is also helpful for breast atrophy.
  • Unable to urinate without standing with feet wide apart and a forward-bent body, burning micturition, straining before the flow of urine, and scanty urine.
  • Chimaphila umbellata primarily affects the kidneys and genito-urinary tract; it also plays a curative role in the treatment of chronic alcohol consumption, hepatic and renal dropsies, as well as the early stages of and progression of cataracts.
  • One of the treatments, Chimaphila Umbellata, has symptoms that indicate it is effective in treating acute and chronic catarrh, a bladder ailment.
  • Urine is turbid, foul-smelling, and contains ropy or bloody mucus; it has a notable effect on bladder irritation and the urge to urinate.
  • Prostatic enlargement, scanty urine filled with ropy, muco-purulent sediment, and dysuria (painful urination) are other characteristics that should be considered when prescribing this medication.
  • Additionally helpful for women with painful mammary tumors and large breasts is Chimaphila umbellata.


-Frontal pain on the left side.

– Halo about the light (feels encircled by light).

-The itchiness of the eyelids.

– A stabbing pain and lachrymation in the left eye.


– Toothache that feels as if it is being gently pulled out, worse after eating and activity.


– Urinating frequently and with a strong urge; the urine is foul-smelling, turbid, and contains ropy or bloody mucus.

– Urination that is scalding and burning, followed by straining.

– Scanty urine; must strain before flow.

– A ball-like sensation in the perineum, acute prostatitis, and retention.

– A fluttering sensation near the kidney.

– Urine with sugar.

– Unable to urinate unless standing with feet apart and a forward-leaning body.


– Inflamed and enlarged labia.

– Vaginal pain and flashes of heat.

– A painful mammary tumor with excessive milk secretion that is not ulcerated.

– Breasts that are rapidly atrophying; women with very large breasts; mammary gland tumors that are accompanied by severe pain;


– Sharp pain from the bladder’s neck to the meatus in the urethra.

– Gleet (uncontrollable outburst of water)

– Fluid loss from the prostate.

– Inflammation and prostate gland enlargement.


ulcers on the scrofula.

– Expansions of the glands.


– An upper left leg band sensation.

Modalities: Modalities

The left side is more affected by sitting on cold pavement or stones in wet weather.

Relationship: Relationship

– Compare Uva, Ledum, and Epigoea to Chimaphaculata, which causes extreme hunger, a burning fever, and swelling in the armpits.

Side effects of Lords Chimaphila Umbellata

Although there are no such side effects, it is still important to take each medication according to the instructions.

Even if you are taking other forms of medication, such as those obtained through allopathy, ayurveda, etc., it is safe to take the medication.

The effectiveness of other medications is never hampered by homeopathic remedies.

Dosage and rules while taking Lords Chimaphila Umbellata

Three times per day, mix 10 drops in a half cup of water.

We advise you to use medical advice when taking.

Precautions while taking Lords Chimaphila Umbellata

If you take medication, make sure to wait 15 minutes between eating and taking it.

Consult a homeopathic doctor prior to use if you are pregnant or nursing.

While taking medication, refrain from consuming alcohol or tobacco.

Terms and Conditions

The effectiveness of homeopathic remedies varies depending on the conditions and should be used based on symptom similarity.

Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginIndia
For Use ByWomen / Female
Homeo FormsMother Tincture
Potency1X (Q) / Mother Tincture
Price₹ 190

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