Homeopathy Medicine for Tmj Disorder


The temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which is located in front of the ears on both sides of the head and connects the mandible (lower jaw) to the skull, allows us to speak and eat by allowing our jaw to open and close.


TMJ disorders can show these signs and symptoms:

  • Jaw discomfort or sensitivity
  • Tempromandibular joint discomfort, either in one or both joints
  • Our ear is hurting, especially around it.
  • chewing is painful or challenging
  • Aching facial pain
  • difficulty opening or closing our mouth due to the joint locking

If there is no pain or restriction of motion associated with our jaw clicking, one probably does not need treatment for a TMJ disorder. TMJ disorders can also cause a clicking sound or grating sensation when we open our mouths or chew.


The temporomandibular joint combines sliding and hinge movements; the cartilage-covered bones that come together in the joint are separated by a small shock-absorbing disk, which typically keeps the movement fluid.

TMJ disorders that are painful can develop if

  • The disk deteriorates or veers away from the correct alignment.
  • Atherosclerosis damages the cartilage in the joint.
  • A blow or other impact causes the joint to become damaged.


Following are some factors that could raise your risk of developing TMJ issues:

  • Several types of arthritis, including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
  • Jaw injury
  • long-term (chronic) teeth clenching or grinding
  • The temporomandibular joint may experience issues due to specific connective tissue diseases.


AGARICUS :Very effective TMJ medication that feels like it is crawling under the skin. Prickly sensations and facial muscle twitching are present.

ARUM TRIPHYLLUM :joint pain with swallowing caused by TMJ is treated with this.

CALCAREA CARB :Used to treat TMJ pain that pops and crackles. There is joint stiffness that is accompanied by numbness in the hands and feet.

CALCAREA PHOS :TMJ medication that is effective when opening the mouth causes excruciating pain and there is joint stiffness.

CAUSTICUM :Helpful for jaw locks with raw, burning, and sharp pain. Given when jaw becomes rigid and is unable to open. Useful for TMJ with numbness in face, primarily on the right side.

CARBO VEG :Effective treatment for vertigo and TMJ that also causes nausea. Also effective when TMJ tinnitus is present.

CHAMOMILLA :Painful spasms that radiate into the ear are caused by low pain tolerance and are used for TMJ.

CUPRUM MET :An effective drug for TMJ and muscle spasms.

IGNATIA :Useful medication for TMJ with tension in the jaw that is brought on by repressed anger or refraining from speaking one’s mind.Useful for TMJ with cramping from tightness in the jaw and sharp pains.Useful for TMJ with tension in the jaw that is brought on by every time they become angry their neck gets tight causes chronic gritting of teeth.

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